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英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

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〜のおかげで 〜効果で 〜を追い風に 〜のために (否定的に)〜のせいで 〜で (⇒driven by)

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America is closer to energy independence thanks to the so-called shale gas revolution.

Demand for beer is increasing thanks to the recent higher temperature and Abenomics, the economic policies by the Abe administration.

Domestic sales will inevitably remain sluggish on a long-term basis in spite of the prospect of economic recovery thanks to Abenomics.

Even if Toyota is able to compete more effectively thanks to the weaker yen, competition with low-priced models and other makers in emerging countries will remain fierce.

In a stark contrast to department stores where expensive items such as art and jewelry are selling well thanks to Abenomics, consumers still go for low-priced items at supermarkets.

In France, the value added tax (VAT) on food is set at 5.5 percent thanks to the reduced tax rate, compared to the standard VAT of 19.6 percent for goods.

Japan’s services trade deficit in July 2013 was reduced by about 40 percent to ¥196.5 billion thanks to an increase in the number of visitors to Japan due to the weaker yen and a rise in patent royalty revenues.

Many Japanese manufacturers have been prompted to review their production in China with labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the weaker yen.

Thanks to mediation by Egypt, Israel and Hamas managed to reach a ceasefire agreement at the last minute.

Thanks to the competitiveness boost provided by a weaker renminbi, Chinese exports have so far held up well.

Thanks to their reasonable prices, third-category beers have recently taken a larger share of the market. But the sales of expensive beer are also on the rise.

Thanks to the yen’s depreciation and other tailwinds brought about by Abenomics, the latest interim financial results of many listed companies have improved.

The company’s consolidated operating profit estimates for fiscal 2012 were revised upward thanks to the retreating yen.

Tokyo will likely earn profits even with exports of cars manufactured in Japan thanks to the decline of the yen.

Toyota adjusted its fiscal 2012 operating balance on a nonconsolidated basis from a loss of ¥20 billion to a profit of ¥150 billion thanks to the weaker yen.

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