
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

(日本の)文部科学省 文科省 (=the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry)

the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologyの用例

According to an Internet survey by Dentsu Inc., nearly 45% of grandparents would like to take advantage of the new special tax exemption system for cash gifts of up to ¥15 million per grandchild for education expenses.

According to a survey by the education and labor ministries, about 82 percent of job-seeking university students who will graduate this spring had secured informal job offers as of Feb. 1, 2013, up 1.2 percentage points from a year before.

All the members of the municipal board of education agreed at an ad-hoc meeting that the manga, “Hadashi no Gen,” has educational value in teaching about peace.

Although school bullying is a big issue in the education field, bullying is basically caused by a lack of sensitivity toward other people.

A movement to strengthen moral education at schools is gathering momentum in Japan.

A petition has been submitted to the municipal board of education calling for the teacher, who regularly meted out violent punishment to several students in the basketball club mainly by slapping and kicking them, to be treated leniently.

A 14-year-old Pakistani girl student was shot in the head and neck as she exposed the Taliban’s atrocities and advocated for girls’ education.

Baseball as an extracurricular activity is widely regarded as a part of education at high schools.

China’s new national education curriculum which will be introduced in Hong Kong public schools is criticized as an attempt to brainwash students by extolling the achievements of the Chinese Communist Party.

China strengthened patriotic education in its schools in 1990s and inculcated anti-Japan sentiment.

Each board of education of prefectural, city, town and village governments consists of five members appointed by their local government chiefs.

Except for the cases of heinous crimes sent to a public prosecutors office, a family court, based on the findings of a series of examinations, decides whether to send juvenile delinquents to a juvenile reformatory where corrective education is given, or to place them under the probation of juvenile probation officer to help them rehabilitate and rejoin society.

Major issues to be discussed in the review of the basic education law include Japan’s traditional culture and lifelong and home education.

Newspapers in Education (NIE) programs in which newspapers are used at school have been spreading.

The Abe administration has spelled out the direction of making moral education a subject taught in primary and junior high schools, making Japanese history a compulsory subject at high schools, and starting English classes at an earlier grade in primary school.

The Abe government plans to enhance moral education at school as serious bullying cases have surfaced around the country.

The business community, which will hire university graduates, is skeptical of the current state of university education because many students tend to attend classes only passively.

There are numerous problems facing this nation’s education, including bullying, truancy and a decline in the scholastic ability.

The report of recommendations on education of high school students as voting citizens submitted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calls for a legal revision to make it possible to impose penalties on teachers who deviate from political neutrality.

Those with no plans to go on to higher education or start work upon graduating from high schools and universities are drastically increasing.

Under the new tax exemption program which started in April 2013, people are allowed to give lump-sum cash gifts for education to their children or grandchildren.

Universities are recommended by the Central Council for Education to increase interactive, discussion-based classes rather than having one-way lectures in large classrooms.

Universities are required of improving their quality of education by carrying out the recommendations of the Central Council of Education.

Universities must help students acquire skills and competence for the real world during their four-year education.

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