
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

the collapse of the stock market

株式市場の急落 株式相場の下落 株式市場の崩壊 (=stock market collapse)

the collapse of the stock marketの用例

AIG teetered on the edge of failure because of stresses caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market and the credit crunch that ensued.

Amid the financial crisis in Cyprus, which was triggered by Greece’s financial collapse, the euro continues to be weak in the foreign exchange market while the yen tends to be bought.

Another driving force behind the spinoff trend is mounting criticism of the lack of transparency at large corporations in the wake of Enron Corp.’s collapse.

As an extremely unusual case, the North Korean authorities apologized to the families of people who fell victim to the collapse of a shoddily constructed high-rise apartment building.

A sudden, huge shift of funds could bring even healthy financial institutions to the verge of collapse.

Belarus has asked the IMF for a $8 billion rescue loan to manage the country’s most severe financial crisis since the Soviet collapse.

Former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan’s ceasefire arbitration plans have been pushed to the brink of collapse by a string of massacres in the central Syrian town of Houla, where government forces carried out artillery attacks and more than 100 bodies were found.

The nation’s employment insurance program is on the brink of collapse due to the increasing number of jobless people amid the slumping economy.

To prevent a medical collapse due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus, it is important for each individual to make an effort not to become infected and not to infect others by avoiding crowds.

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