
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

the half-fiscal year account


the half-fiscal year accountの関連語句

the half-fiscal year accountの用例

According to a government survey, more than half of the people supports the idea that husbands should be the breadwinners, while wives should stay home and do housework.

According to a report released by the Japan Policy Council, the number of women in 20s and 30s is likely to drop by 50 percent or more in about half of the municipalities in Japan by 2040.

According to the Supreme Court’s ruling, a provision in the Civil Code, which stipulates the share of inheritance given to a child born out of wedlock shall be half the amount given to a child born in wedlock, is unconstitutional.

Domestic airlines, buoyed by business demand, bore the burden of skyrocketing aviation fuel prices to post strong results up to the first half of fiscal 2008.

Households with an annual income of less than ¥4 million account for nearly half of the national total.

In late July 2012, the world’s worst power outage blacked out almost the entire northern half of India.

In the second half of the 1980s, the IMF began supporting the liberalization of international capital markets.

In the still-growing smartphone market, Apple Inc. of the United States and Samsung Electronics Co. of South Korea currently hold about half of the global market.

It took about ¥1 million to buy 100 shares of the firm’s stock in September, but this amount would be reduced by half to about ¥500,000 after the firm’s 2-for-1 stock split on October 1.

Many important bills are on the waiting list during the latter half of the Diet session.

Pakistan, which has been ruled by the military for half of its entire history since the foundation of the country, has repeatedly oscillated between civilian and military rule.

Sharp’s early investments in LCD propelled to control almost half the LCD television market.

Struggling chipmaker Renesas Electronics Corp. plans to close half of domestic plants and cut about 30 percent of its workforce.

The Civil Code stipulates that children born out of wedlock are allocated only half of the inheritance of legitimate children.

The combined yearly group sales of Bic Camera and Kojima is more than ¥1 trillion, which is still about half of that of Yamada Denki, at well over ¥2 trillion.

The Fighters made a case over a month and a half of why he would be better off going through the team’s development program after the team made Shohei Otani their No.1 draft pick.

The government’s share of contributions to the basic pension fund was raised from one-third to half.

While soaring high on massive direct investment from abroad, the Chinese economy started showing signs of overheating in the latter half of 2003.

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