
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

the inspections of weapons of mass destruction


the inspections of weapons of mass destructionの関連語句

the inspections of weapons of mass destructionの用例

Elevator manufacturers, inspection and maintenance companies and building management firms must bear in mind that their negligence could deprive elevator users of their lives.

If a product is to be sold as special health food, it must pass a government inspection.

JR Hokkaido’s falsification of track inspection data had become the norm. The practice was passed down from predecessors in many cases and some workers at sections in charge of track inspections were told to do so by superiors.

JR Hokkaido should take to heart the orders issued by the transport ministry over a series of scandals involving the company, which included the falsification of track inspection data, and go back to the basics of “safety first.”

Major brokerages that offer services on capital increases and takeover bids will be subject to the TSE’s inspections conducted in response to a series of illegal stock transactions.

Regular FSA inspections are conducted after banks close their accounts in March, and focus on whether their loan reserves are adequate.

The company’s investigation team including outside lawyers will conduct urgent inspections at the plants of all its divisions.

The FSA inspections exposed the bank’s illegal activities.

The Japanese Bankers Association will beef up its inspections of submissions from banks for the TIBOR, known as the Japanese version of Libor, amid Libor scandal.

The North Korean cargo inspection bill was scrapped due to the dissolution of the lower house.

The TSE’s first-ever inspection focusing on the prevention of insider trading is a step toward restoring trust in the nation’s stock market.

The TSE’s inspections of major securities firms will focus on information about corporate clients, such as whether the brokerages have proper in-house regulations and management systems covering insider information.

The TSE will consider taking punitive measures, such as revoking trading licenses, restricting business or imposing fines if any violations of the law or TSE rules are found in the inspections of major securities firms.

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