
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

times interest covered

利子補償率 支払い利息負担能力倍率 (=times interest earned ratio)

times interest coveredの関連語句

times interest coveredの用例

Abe’s plan to raise the consumption tax rate and at the same time implement corporate tax cuts has drawn fire from the public as they see it as “preferential treatment for companies.”

Accelerator driven systems (ADS) shorten the time required for the decay of radioactive constituents contained in high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power reactors from 1000,000 years to several hundred years.

According to the preliminary balance of payments data, the deficit in trade in July 2013 was ¥943.3 billion, 2.5 times the level a year earlier and marking the highest level for July since 1985.

According to the short-term quarterly survey of business sentiment compiled by the BOJ in September 2012, the diffusion index for large manufacturers’ current business conditions deteriorated for the first time in three quarters.

Acting in an emergency conference call, the U.S. Federal Reserve moved to bolster the flagging economy by cutting interest rates by half a point for the fourth time this year.

A man, who was serving time at a Yokohama prison, was transferred to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau’s facility in Yokohama.

As a crucial issue for many voters at a time when the economy is in the doldrums, political party leaders took to the streets to spell out their economic policies.

As a last-ditch measure to prevent the chaotic breakdown of Cyprus’s banking sector for the time being and secure financial assistance from the European Union, the Cypriot government decided on a plan to restructure the nation’s second-largest bank which has fallen into financial difficulties.

As a serious environmental pollution in Beijing, the concentration of particulate matter 2.5 micrometers in diameter or less, known as PM2.5 and found per cubic meter in smoke from factories and exhaust gas from automobiles, briefly rose to nearly 40 times the safe limit in the guideline set by the World Health Organization.

As countermeasures against South Korean President Lee’s words and deeds, Japan may scale down a credit line Japan was prepared to set for a bilateral currency swap deal designed for the transfer of foreign currencies to one of the two countries in time of a monetary crisis.

Based on the offering price, JAL’s market capitalization at the time of relisting is estimated at ¥663 billion.

Bilateral relations between both Japan and South Korea will remain stalemated at least for the time being.

By the increase in defense spending, China is bolstering its capabilities to deny access by the U.S. military to waters around China in times of an emergency in the Taiwan Strait.

Companies are becoming willing to make capital investments and growth in capital investment turned positive for the first time in six quarters.

Company executives must strengthen their firms’ competitiveness, adapting them to suit the characteristics of the market at the time and places in which they are operating.

Compared with the time needed for wind power or geothermal power generation, solar power generation has the advantage of requiring less time to get from the planning stage to actual generation.

During his speech at the U.N. General Assembly, Abe said that through ODA, Japan will tackle the promotion of women’s active participation in society, improvement of health and medical care for women, and securing the safety of women in times of conflict.

Figure skater Miki Ando has juggled her time between raising her child and training in her quest for Sochi Olympic glory.

“Hachiju hachiya” refers to the eighty-eighth day usually from February 4, the beginning of spring in Japan, and it is known as the best time for tealeaf picking.

In a high-stakes debate, Obama and Romney shared the stage for the first time and clashed over taxes, deficits and how to revive the U.S. economy.

In a speech broadcast by state TV, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un said that the country’s “resolute” action to eliminate factionalist filth within the Workers’ Party of Korea had bolstered North Korea’s unity by 100 times.

In Southeast Asia characterized by diversity, per capita income in Singapore now exceeds $50,000, more than 50 times that for Cambodia and Myanmar with less than $1,000 a year.

In the case of foreign currency deposits by the U.S. dollar, many online banks charge about ¥0.25 in commission per dollar at the time of deposits and withdrawals.

In the face of the domestic issue of overwhelming air pollution due to PM2.5, China shouldn’t have the time to flirt with other countries’ territories.

In the society of pre-modern times, public duties had to come first even at the expense of private lives.

In the statement issued by the Taiwan’s ruling party Nationalists in President Ma Ying-jeou’s name, he said that he feels it is time to pass the torch as party chairman.

In times of inflation, pension payments increased in step with price increases.

It has been some time since the problem of homeless people sleeping at Internet cafes has come to the fore.

It’s the third time in a row that the H-2B rocket has been vaulted into orbit, following successful launches in September 2009 and January 2011.

Japan’s three main low-cost carriers will fly the same plane five to seven times a day by increasing their fleets, with the three airlines’ combined number of daily flights increasing from the current about 100 to at least 460.

Japan’s 2012 trading balance, or exports minus imports, ran up a record deficit of ¥6.9 trillion, 2.7 times more than the 2011 figure, the first trade deficit in 31 years due to the negative effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

No prime minister will be able to stay in office for more than one year if the cabinet resigns or the lower house is dissolved every time the bill is taken hostage annually.

Now is not the time for the LDP to wage an internal power struggle.

On the back of speculation about additional monetary easing by the Bank of Japan, the dollar surged above the ¥90 threshold for the first time in about 31 months since June 23, 2010 in Tokyo trading.

Over time, the pension premiums will rise steadily, while benefits will gradually shrink.

Students often have to spend a lot of time job-hunting and visiting prospective employers.

The company estimates the population distribution by area and time based on location information of cell phones to use such data for urban development and disaster-management measures.

The company turned over its inventory 5.5 times in 2013, the same turnover rate as 2012.

The defendant, seated in a chair before the witness stand, nodded several times when the presiding judge read the sentence’s main text twice.

The G7 has reached a major turn of events in that the latest meeting held in Canada did not release a joint communique for the first time in 12.5 years

The greenhouse effect of CFCs used as refrigerant gases in air conditioners and large refrigerators is believed to be hundreds of times to 10,000 times worse [stronger] than carbon dioxide.

The number of rubella cases which have been reported chiefly from the Kanto region is 20 times higher than the figure reported during the corresponding period last year.

The recovery in consumer prices has been marking time recently.

There was a time when the more we exported, the more money we lost, by eroding export profitability due to the excessive rise in the value of the yen.

The U.S. FRB has carried out quantitative monetary easing three times to end the financial crisis and prop up business activity ever since the crisis that erupted following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.

The U.S. military’s new MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft deployed in Okinawa Prefecture will play significant roles in times of peace, including disaster response operations and providing humanitarian aid.

The video recorded by a bystander shows a white South Carolina police officer taking aim with a handgun and shooting eight times at the back of a black man as he run away.

This genome-edited tomato developed by the University of Tsukuba and a start-up called Sanatech Seed Co., using technology that efficiently modifies genes, reportedly contains several times the usual amount of a substance to prevent blood pressure from rising.

To earn his debt-crippled nation more time to complete reforms, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras embarked on a diplomatic push.

U.S. President Barack Obama railed against the U.S. lax gun laws by blaming them for murder rates which are three times higher than those in other developed countries.

When times get tough, the first things to get cut are advertising, expense accounts and travel expenses.

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