
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

transfer of power

主権移譲 権限委譲 権力移行 権力継承 (=power transfer, transfer of sovereignty)

transfer of powerの用例

Former President Donald Trump did not participate in the presidential inauguration ceremony held at the Capitol on Jan. 20, 2021 and broke the custom of a peaceful transfer of power in which outgoing and incoming presidents attend the ceremony together.

It’s clear that the behavior of former U.S. President Donald Trump prevented a peaceful transfer of power and he called for a march to Congress at a supporters’ rally on Jan. 6, 2021 when Congress was in the proceedings to formally confirm the election of Democratic candidate Joe Biden as the next president.

President George W. Bush and senior national security advisers grappled with strategies on accelerating the transfer of power in Baghdad under the pressure of rising casualties.

The plan to expedite the transfer of power from the central government to local governments was presented to a fiscal and structural reform panel of the Fiscal System Council.

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