
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

trial by jury

陪審による(法廷)審理 陪審審理 陪審による裁判 陪審裁判 (=jury trial)

trial by juryの関連語句

trial by juryの用例

A justice, who allowed the prosecution to detain the suspect, served as the presiding judge in the high court trial.

A major bone of contention in the trial of the lung cancer drug Iressa case was whether the importer and seller’s provision of information on Iressa’s side effects to medical institutions was sufficient.

At the impeachment trial of Trump, Republicans and Democrats battled over summoning high-level White House witnesses.

During the trial, prosecutors had sought 18-month prison terms for the accused without suspension.

Former Nissan chairman Ghosn’s trial was scheduled to begin this spring, but it cannot be convened in the absence of the defendant.

In the first trial, 3 years were spent on careful deliberations.

Nursing-care robots produced on a trial basis by some Japanese companies cost as much as 20 million yen per unit, but the government hopes to promote the robots priced at about 100,000 yen for widespread use across the nation.

Punitive power belongs to the people and executions have been supported in trials held under the lay judge system that was introduced to reflect their opinions.

South Korean government has lifted a travel ban on Tatsuya Kato, former Seoul bureau chief for Sankei Shimbun, who is currently on trial, indicted without arrest over the alleged defamation of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

The defense counsel had demanded a suspended sentence during the trial.

The high court in Kuala Lumpur has sentenced former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to serve 12 years in prison after finding him guilty in the first of several corruption trials linked to the multibillion-dollar looting of a state investment fund.

The high court ruling violated the basic principles of a criminal trial as its judges found the suspect was guilty without answering to yet-to-be-resolved questions posed by the district court.

The high court‘s decision over the case of a May 2008 murder is considered to be consistent with the cardinal rule of criminal trials, which gives the defendant the benefit of the doubt.

The National Police Agency has been operating a treatment program for stalkers on a trial basis since 2014.

The public’s low level of awareness concerning participation in court trials has been pointed out.

The Supreme Court will increase the subjects of civil cases which can be decided by a council of three attending judges for first trials.

The Tokyo District Court will screen about 400 lay judge candidates for the coming trial of a senior member of the defunct Aum Supreme Truth cult.

To mark the beginning of the trial of the alleged accomplices in the attack case by Islamist gunmen in 2015, French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo reprinted the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.

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