
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

trouble shooter

仲介役 紛争仲裁者 修理係

trouble shooterの関連語句

trouble shooterの用例

Besides a delay in the development of smartphones and cutting-edge displays, a tenaciously high yen hovering around ¥80 per dollar also contributed to the troubles of domestic electronics manufacturers.

During a call-in TV show, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia had weathered the worst of its economic troubles and was on the road to recovery.

Global financial markets are still shaken by the serious fiscal troubles in Greece.

If troubles arise, such as a breakdown at the Oi nuclear power plant, the supply-demand conditions will quickly become tight and rolling blackouts may occur.

Juki Net has helped to improve public services for people and the efficiency of administrative work without serious information leaks or other troubles.

Major electronics makers such as NEC and Fujitsu are not keeping up in the race to develop products for the global market and this trouble makes it difficult to regain footing.

Rafael Nadal came back after a seven-month layoff caused by knee trouble and won the eighth French Open title.

Sepp Blatter was reelected as FIFA chief for a fifth term, but a rash of various troubles and suspicions linked to money have arisen since he took the presidential post in 1998.

Some utilities companies have even started to issue blank receipts to their customers due to the bank’s computer troubles.

The list of banks the U.S. FDIC considers to be in trouble shot up nearly 50 percent to 171 during the third quarter of 2008.

The nuclear fuel cycle which is a pillar of Japan’s energy policy has run into trouble.

These troubles caused by the computer malfunction ranged from dysfunctional ATMs to delayed money transfers, and to deductions from accounts that were recorded in account books although no money was actually transferred.

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