
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

up in the air

空中に 上空に 空高く 宙に浮いて 宙ぶらりんの状態の[宙ぶらりんになっている] 未定の 未確定の 未解決で ハッキリしていない 漠然とした (ひじょうに)不確かな 未使用の ひどく楽しい (とても)幸せな 有頂天になって 興奮して 怒って

up in the airの関連語句

up in the airの用例

A mirage is a phenomenon which occurs when light rays are refracted by the temperature difference between the warmer air at higher altitude and the cooler air close to the sea, forming reversed images of objects such as buildings.

China’s air pollution has become ever more serious and the concentration of PM 2.5 exceeded 500 micrograms per cubic meter of air at one point in Beijing on Feb. 26, 2014.

The effect of a relaxing experience through breathing in the refreshing air of the new leaves in the woods is said to be produced by the phytoncide secreted by the trees.

The phenomenon of the thick smog containing PM2.5 particles in various Chinese cities is caused by the retention of polluted air in the atmosphere due to a lack of strong wind.

Typhoon No. 18 weakened into an extratropical cyclone, but moist air moved into the Kanto region and the southern part of the Tohoku region, creating cumulonimbus clouds which unleashed torrential rain in those areas.

Under the secrecy protection law, highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of confidentiality designation. But concrete measures, such as how to disclose or destroy documents after the secrecy period ends, have been left up in the air.

up in the air

空中に 上空に 空高く 宙に浮いて 宙ぶらりんの状態の[宙ぶらりんになっている] 未定の 未確定の 未解決で ハッキリしていない 漠然とした (ひじょうに)不確かな 未使用の とても幸せな 有頂天になって 興奮して 怒って

up in the airの関連語句

up in the airの用例

Under the secrecy protection law, highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of confidentiality designation. But concrete measures, such as how to disclose or destroy documents after the secrecy period ends, have been left up in the air.

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