
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

up to

最高[最大、最長]〜まで 〜まで 最高[最大]で 最高〜 最大〜 〜以下 〜の義務[責任]で 〜次第で 〜が決めることで 〜をしていて 〜に従事して 〜を計画して (⇒transition period [stage])

up toの関連語句

up toの用例

According to an Internet survey by Dentsu Inc., nearly 45% of grandparents would like to take advantage of the new special tax exemption system for cash gifts of up to ¥15 million per grandchild for education expenses.

According to the projection by the Central Disaster Management Council, up to 23,000 people in Tokyo and surrounding areas would die if a magnitude 7.0 earthquake were to strike directly beneath the 23 wards of the capital.

According to Yi Xianliang, deputy-director general of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs under the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea are China’s intrinsic territory, and what China does or doesn’t do is up to the Chinese government.

As the heavy price for its misconduct at the time of the U.S. EPA’s emission control tests, VW may be fined up to $18 billion (about ¥2 trillion).

As transportation networks were paralyzed by the record-setting snowfall that hit the Kanto and Koshin regions up to the Tohoku region, the delivery of food and other daily commodities to retailers and restaurant chains have been hindered.

Contiguous zone refers to a band of water extending up to 12 nautical miles from the outer edge of the territorial waters, and all foreign ships are granted the right to unrestricted passage across the zone.

Domestic airlines, buoyed by business demand, bore the burden of skyrocketing aviation fuel prices to post strong results up to the first half of fiscal 2008.

Failure to reach an agreement between President Barack Obama and Congress could result in a fiscal contraction of up to $503 billion a year, pushing down real GDP growth by about 3 percent.

General Motors Corp. agreed to sell up to $55 billion in car and truck loans to Bank of America Corp. over five years.

In aid of Afghanistan, the Japanese government will provide up to $3 billion over five years through 2016.

Incidentally, an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is defined as an area of up to 200 nautical miles, or about 370 kilometers, from the shoreline of a coastal state.

In search of better lives, six South Koreans sneaked into North Korea. But they were repatriated from the North after they had been detained for up to 45 months for illegal entry.

Japan will double assistance to African nations over five years and provide up to $4 billion in loans.

JA Zenchu collects up to ¥8 billion annually from local farm co-ops through its levy system and other bodies for its operating costs.

JR Tokai’s LO, a new model of maglev train for the Linear Chuo Shinkansen line, is designed to run at speeds of up to 550 kph.

No evidence proving the forcible recruitment of comfort women by the military or other government authorities has been found up to now.

One factor of the increase in stock splits by listed firms is the launch of Nippon Individual Savings Accounts system in January 2014, which will make dividends from stocks and other investments of up to ¥1 million tax exempt.

PM (particulate matter) 2.5 is the general term for the microparticle substances with a diameter of up to 2.5 micrometers (one micrometer is equivalent to one-thousandth of a millimeter).

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who announced to step down due to concern over his recurring disease, ulcerative colitis, is leaving the selection of his successor up to party executives.

Procurement costs are an automaker’s greatest expense and account for up to 60 percent of total costs.

The BOJ currently limits its purchase of government bonds to those with maturities longer than one year and up to three years.

The 5G network with a transmission speed up to 100 times faster than that of the current 4G network is expected to be utilized for autonomous driving and remote medical care services.

There will have to be a political negotiation about this, but that is not up to me.

Though the BOJ purchased government bonds with short maturity periods in the past, it will buy government bonds with longer maturity periods up to 40 years.

Through this shelf registration, the Corporation will be able to offer, from time to time, up to U.S. $300 million of its debt securities and warrants to purchase debt securities.

To avoid deflation, the ECB will implement a measure to provide low interest funds to commercial banks for up to four years.

Under the law against revenge porno which came into effect in November 2014, offenders face a prison term of up to 3 years.

Under the NTT West Corp.’s new discount plan, the monthly usage fee of the firm’s FLET’s fiber-optic Internet connection service for single-family houses will be cut by up to about 33 percent according to the length of continuous usage of the service.

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