
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

upper house election

参議院選挙 参院選 (=the House of Councilors election, the upper house poll)

upper house electionの用例

According to the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2014, the upper house election in 2013, in which the maximum disparity between the value of votes was 4.77-to-1, was in a state of unconstitutionality.

As an important issue in the upcoming upper house election, the LDP unveiled policies to promote wider use of cheap generic drugs and prevent people from receiving treatment at more than one medical institution for the same disease.

As an important issue of the upper house election, the political parties have made proposals that highlight handout policies to win the support of voters in farming communities.

Both the ruling and opposition parties are preparing their plans to reform the civil servant system, one of the foundations of the nation, before the upper house election as they believe “civil servant bashing” will go down well with the public.

If the LDP and New Komeito win a majority of seats in the upper house election, the divided Diet in which opposition parties control the upper house will be ended.

If the revised Public Offices Election Law is applied to the upper house election scheduled in 2016, about 2.4 million minors aged 18 and 19 will be added to eligible voters.

In its campaign platform for the upper house election in July 2013, the LDP placed emphasis on realizing its Abenomics economic policies and pledged to seek tax incentives for capital investment and drastic cuts in the corporation tax.

In its manifesto for the upper house election, the DPJ has touted to draw up National Defense Program Guidelines based on the international situation.

In the upcoming upper house election, the media forecasts the LDP’s victory, but the party may suffer a massive loss if it lets its guard down.

The biggest factor behind the DPJ’s setback in the upper house election was Kan’s handling of the consumption tax issue.

The Democratic Party of Japan suffered a crushing defeat in Sunday’s upper house election.

The LDP gave up on its plan to work out common campaign pledges for the upper house election with New Komeito due to differences in their constitutional revision standpoints.

The LDP plans to take the offensive in the Osaka prefectural constituency in the upper house election next summer.

The LDP’s thumping victory in the upper house election in July 2013 brought an end to the divided Diet, in which the ruling parties controlled one chamber and opposition parties held sway in the other.

The Tokyo metropolitan assembly poll, with about 10 million voters, foreshadows the result of upper house elections.

The upper house election was officially announced on June 24, 2010.

Upper house elections have been held on the basis of each prefecture being one electoral district ever since the first poll in 1947, but the merger of electoral districts as a new electoral system will be applied from the election slated for 2016.

Voters have passed a stinging judgment on the Democratic Party of Japan in the upper house election.

With the aim of lifting a ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns for this summer’s upper house election, the LDP has compiled a bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law.

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