
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

usage fee

使用料 利用料金

usage feeの関連語句

usage feeの用例

College fees concerning enrollment, tuition, facility equipment usage fees and others are tax-free, but universities have to assume an increasing financial burden as a result of the consumption tax hike when they purchase supplies from April 2014.

Under the NTT West Corp.’s new discount plan, the monthly usage fee of the firm’s FLET’s fiber-optic Internet connection service for single-family houses will be cut by up to about 33 percent according to the length of continuous usage of the service.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
