value chain

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

value chain

価値連鎖 (利潤とそれを生み出すための事業の主活動(購買物流、製造、販売、マーケティング、サービスなど)と支援活動(全般管理、人事・労務管理、技術開発、調達活動など)の連鎖を「価値連鎖」という)

value chainの用例

Due to the IT revolution and trade liberalization, product specialization now is determined by comparative advantages not in finished products but in work unique to each country or region in the context of global value chains.

It’s essential for Indonesia to be more integrated into the regional production network while increasing its share of the value it can add within global value chains, in order to create skilled jobs and increase foreign currency earnings.

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