
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

via the Internet

インターネットで インターネットを通じて ネットで

via the Internetの用例

About 50 percent of the money stolen from personal bank accounts via the Internet was withdrawn from ATMs and 20 percent was transferred to at least 17 foreign countries, including Ukraine and Russia.

Addictive pastime such as public lotteries, private casino and Powerball has been generating large amounts of money via the Internet.

A total of ¥1.46 billion was stolen from bank accounts via the Internet as online thefts in Japan in 2013, the National Police Agency said.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

In FX margin trading, investors can trade around the clock via the Internet.

In job-hunting activities, students now can easily submit their statements of reasons for application to companies via the Internet.

In South Korea, election campaigns via the Internet waged to cause a candidate to lose have spread in the past.

In the model project of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, residents will be able to receive health guidance from public health nurses or dietitians at municipal health centers if residents download an application to their smartphone and send the centers such necessary information and data as their weight, daily diet, blood pressure and number of steps taken via the device.

Police took action on 68 people, 59 of whom are Chinese, involved in illegal money transfer via the Internet in 2013, including those who only played the role of withdrawing money from ATMs, but no suspected masterminds were arrested.

Resident registration numbers were leaked via the Internet in South Korea, which resulted in a number of cases of fraud in which identity thieves bought things using others’ numbers.

The number of “gig workers” who receive one-off jobs via the Internet has been increasing in recent years.

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