
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

vice president [vice-president]

副大統領 副総裁 副理事長 副会長 副社長 副頭取 副総長 副学長 (中国の)国家副主席 VP (=veep;⇒assess)

vice president [vice-president]の関連語句

vice president [vice-president]の用例

An executive vice president shall manage and represent the new company together with the CEO and president of the new company.

Ed Kolodzieski, senior vice president and chief operating officer of Wal-Mart’s international division, will become chief executive officer of Seiyu on Dec. 15.

In raising the hot-button issue of theft of intellectual property through the hacking of computer networks, Vice President Joe Biden did not mince his words.

In the U.S. presidential election held on November 3, 2020, it will be a virtual two-man contest between U.S. President Donald Trump who aims for reelection and former Vice President Joe Biden who is the official nominee from the Democratic Party.

Over the past week, Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping has skipped several meetings with visiting foreign leaders.

President Joe Biden gave his Vice President Kamara Harris a high-profile assignment to stem the flow of migration to the United States in cooperation with Mexico and Central America’s Northern Triangle countries.

The first direct debate between the incumbent President Donald Trump, a Republican, and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, did not lead to policy debates due to so many personal attacks and one interrupting the other while speaking. This low-level U.S. presidential election debate speaks volumes about the deterioration of U.S. politics.

The Republican Party officially nominated former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as its president and House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as its vice president.

To clear the way for Vice President Xi Jinping to take China’s helm, Chinese President Hu Jintao stepped aside as ruling party leader.

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