
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

voting right

議決権 投票権 選挙権 (=voting power;⇒majority, super voting share)

voting rightの用例

According to the AIIB’s Articles of Agreement, 85 percent of voting rights will be distributed to countries based on the percentage of their capital contribution, while the remaining 12 percent will be distributed evenly to all the participating countries and 3 percent will go evenly to the 57 founding members.

In the case of the AIIB, approval by at least 75 percent of voting rights is required for deciding the most important agenda items, such as changes in the board of directors and capital increases.

It is unconstitutional to take away the voting rights of adults under guardianship.

The Articles of Agreement for the China-led AIIB says China will have de facto veto power over important decisions made by the bank as it will have more than 25% of the total voting rights in the bank based on its contribution.

The ratio of voting rights held by the company is based on the shareholders list as of the end of September.

The Stewardship Code, which was introduced by the Financial Services Agency in February 2014, calls for institutional investors to exercise their voting rights aggressively.

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