
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

war of words

舌戦 言葉の応酬 言論戦 口喧嘩

war of wordsの関連語句

war of wordsの用例

As further countermeasures against Lee’s words and deeds, the Japanese government is considering such steps as postponing a Japan-South Korea summit meeting and intergovernmental consultations.

During the upper house election campaign period, a fierce war of words regarding Abenomics could erupt.

In a vigil for the fallen of the mass shooting in an elementary school, U.S. President Barack Obama said that none of his words would match the sorrow, in a moment of grief that spread around the world.

In line with the words of Xi Jinping, the new general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, China will continue to advance along its path of reform and opening-up while maintaining a political system dominated by a single party.

In raising the hot-button issue of theft of intellectual property through the hacking of computer networks, Vice President Joe Biden did not mince his words.

In the ongoing election campaign for the House of Representatives, the ruling and opposition camps are waging a fierce war of words over the current state of employment.

Kirobo, a therapy humanoid robot which is programmed to process questions and select words from its vocabulary to construct an answer, put through its paces by speaking in Japanese with astronaut Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station.

Oxford University Press has chosen “omnishambles” for an apt Word of the Year as Britain’s media are in a meltdown and its government is gaffe-prone.

The United States and China of the world’s top two carbon polluters got into a battle of words.

The word “kaizen” (improvement) used by Toyota Motor Corp. symbolizes its cost-cutting efforts.

war of words

舌戦 言葉の応酬 言論戦 口喧嘩

war of wordsの関連語句

war of wordsの用例

During the upper house election campaign period, a fierce war of words regarding Abenomics could erupt.

In the ongoing election campaign for the House of Representatives, the ruling and opposition camps are waging a fierce war of words over the current state of employment.

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