
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

war on terror

対テロ戦争 (=war on terrorism)

war on terrorの関連語句

war on terrorの用例

A price war with its rivals rumbles on.

As a new escalation in the spillover of Syria’s civil war, armed fighters linked to the Syrian opposition detained 21 U.N. peacekeepers from the Philippines.

As Pyongyang continues to push ahead with its nuclear program, the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice in the Korean War comes.

By a massive military parade, North Korea is trying to impress the rest of the world with the strength of its ability to wage war with missiles and nuclear weapons, but the people’s discontent over the country’s wrecked economy is increasing.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called Japan’s nationalization of the Senkakus a denial of the outcome of “the anti-fascist war.”

Companies are engaged in price wars, leading to a decline in profits.

Currency wars will cause turmoil in global markets and adversely impact the world economy if the wars become common practice.

Home electrical appliances including TVs have been exposed to fierce price wars.

In a currency war, countries intentionally devalue their currencies to boost exports.

In global currency wars, central banks effectively lower the value of their countries’ currencies to boost their countries’ export competitiveness.

In the Middle East where upheavals continue in the wake of the Arab Spring, the civil war in Syria has bogged down with no clear end in sight, while Egypt has been unable to resolve its political problems.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled an escalation of Israel’s Gaza operation by telling Israelis to be ready for a prolonged war.

Japan stood defiant in an escalating trade war with China.

North Korea’s bloodcurdling war threats are generally regarded as only over-the-top rhetoric from the reclusive and eccentric leadership in Pyongyang.

Regarding the Senkaku Islands, China insists that the islands, which were seized from Taiwan by Japan during the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) should be returned to China so long as Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration.

RMA has transformed cyberspace into an invisible theater of war.

Sony will focus on developing next generation 4K TVs as its new TV division strategy, but it will refrain from waging a price war with its rivals in the 4K market, giving priority to enhancing its profitability mainly through luxury models.

The anniversary of the end of World War II for Japan is the day on which the nation commemorates its war dead and renews its pledge for peace.

The construction of a petrochemical complex in Iran by Japanese firms in 1970s was halted due to the Islamic revolution and the Iran-Iraq War.

The Group of 20 economies wrapped up a two-day meeting with a joint statement strongly warning against currency wars.

The price war among supermarkets has been getting more heated as they can’t keep their customers if they don’t reduce prices.

The sectarian conflict among Muslims in Yemen may lead to a full-fledged proxy war among regional powers and the destabilization of the Middle East as a whole.

The tug of war of over educational reform between the ruling coalition and opposition parties appears set to be a highlight of the extraordinary Diet session.

The United States is gearing up for the last American-run offensive of the war by securing the approaches to Kabul

The United States urged Russia to get behind a political transition plan to avert a civil war in Syria.

U.S. President Barack Obama regards the war in Afghanistan to eradicate the Al-Qaida terrorist network as “a necessary war and a just war.”

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