
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

weak yen

円安 (=weakened yen;⇒fuel動詞)

weak yenの関連語句

weak yenの用例

As many domestic manufacturers have moved their production sites from Japan to Asian nations and elsewhere, the Japanese economy benefits less and less from the weak yen which lowers export costs.

At present, export industries including home appliances and automobiles are raising their expectations for improved corporate performance under the weak yen, which has also driven up stock prices.

A weak yen benefits the export industries such as automobiles and home appliances, but excessive depreciation of the yen could have the negative effect on the Japanese economy.

Despite declining prices of crude oil, the weak yen pushes up the cost of imports, partly offsetting the benefits of falling crude oil prices.

Increased fuel costs due to the weak yen will eventually lead to further hikes in electricity charges.

The price of gasoline will likely break last year’s record of ¥158.3 if the weak yen continues.

The price of regular gas has gone up for six weeks because oil wholesalers have added their import costs, which have been going up due to the weak yen since the end of last year, to the retail price.

The weak yen helped increase exports.

The weak yen pushes up the cost of imports, so the yen’s exchange rate will determine the degree to which declining crude oil prices will be a boon for Japan

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