
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

weaker yen

円安 円安傾向

weaker yenの用例

Backed by the weaker yen and its cost-cutting efforts, Toyota Motor Corp. has turned its exports around.

Even if Toyota is able to compete more effectively thanks to the weaker yen, competition with low-priced models and other makers in emerging countries will remain fierce.

Japan’s services trade deficit in July 2013 was reduced by about 40 percent to ¥196.5 billion thanks to an increase in the number of visitors to Japan due to the weaker yen and a rise in patent royalty revenues.

Many Japanese manufacturers have been prompted to review their production in China with labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the weaker yen.

On foreign exchange markets, the excessively strong yen has been corrected and the weaker yen is becoming the norm.

On the back of the weaker yen and brisk sales mainly in North America and Asia, Toyota expects to book group operating profit of ¥1.8 trillion for fiscal 2013.

The estimated operating profit of Toyota in nonconsolidated accounting stems from its cost reduction efforts in addition to the recent weaker yen.

The Japanese manufacturing industry is expected to benefit from the weak yen.

The labor unions at Toyota, Nissan and Honda sought a pay scale hike of ¥6,000 per month as the automakers are expected to report upbeat earnings backed by the weaker yen, while many employers believe that it’s extremely high.

The weaker yen helps exporters, but close attention must be paid to the fact that the excessive depreciation of the yen will further increase the prices of imports of LNG and other foreign products.

The weaker yen until recently had been the only lifesaver for the export-reliant economy and stock prices.

Toyota adjusted its fiscal 2012 operating balance on a nonconsolidated basis from a loss of ¥20 billion to a profit of ¥150 billion thanks to the weaker yen.

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