
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

white paper on science and technology


white paper on science and technologyの用例

According to the defense white paper of Japan, China is strongly expected to recognize its responsibility as a major power, accept and stick to the international norms.

According to the estimate of the white paper on information and telecommunications released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the use of big data could have an economic impact in excess of 7 trillion yen a year in the form of product development and cost reductions.

According to the Justice Ministry’s white paper on crime for 2015, the rate of recidivism among those people released after fully serving their terms for sex offenses is markedly high at 25 percent.

The fiscal 2009 white paper on the economy and public finance was drawn up in the middle of a dire economic situation.

The white paper titled “Defense of Japan 2013” reproaches China for its repeated incursions into Japanese waters near the Senkaku Islands, while also censuring the nation over its discord with neighboring countries that have stakes in the South China Sea.

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