wholly owned subsidiary [affiliate]

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

wholly owned subsidiary [affiliate]

完全所有子会社 全額出資子会社 100%出資子会社 100%所有子会社 100%子会社 (=fully owned subsidiary [unit], totally held subsidiary;⇒bid)

wholly owned subsidiary [affiliate]の用例

Aoki will launch a ¥13 billion takeover bid with the aim of acquiring all of Futata’s outstanding ordinary shares to make Futata a wholly owned subsidiary.

Foreign companies planning to acquire Japanese companies in many cases first establish a wholly owned subsidiary in the country.

In an effort to secure the profitability of its loss-making electronics business lines, Sony will launch a massive business restructuring, spinning off its key TV operations into a wholly owned subsidiary.

NTT Corp. has announced to make NTT Docomo, Inc., a listed company in which NTT has a stake of about 66%, a wholly owned subsidiary by paying more than ¥4 trillion in a tender offer to purchase the about 34% of its shares now held by general shareholders and others.

Sony will spin off its video and sound business unit and establish a wholly owned subsidiary in October 2015.

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