wind energy

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

wind energy

風力エネルギー (=wind machine energy)

wind energyの用例

According to one government projection, replacing nuclear power with solar and other renewable sources of energy while boosting energy efficiency would cost the nation more than ¥100 trillion.

A global race to secure energy resources is becoming increasingly intense.

As a revenue pillar that can replace LCD TV production, Sharp aims to pour more energy into production of small and midsize LCD panels, which are used in personal computers and mobile computing devices.

Both the public and private sectors must pour their energies into nurturing new industries that promise expanded employment opportunities.

From the standpoint of protecting the global environment and maintaining domestic energy self-sufficiency, the supply of green energy including water, solar and wind power as well as geothermal power and natural gas will be required to be further increased.

It’s Iran’s insistence that the country also has a right to maintain a uranium enrichment program for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

Renewable power which is highly inefficient cannot replace nuclear energy at a reasonable cost.

The government came in for a barrage of criticism after it adopted an innovative energy and environmental strategy to reduce its reliance on nuclear energy to zero.

To enhance economic growth potential, it is also essential to support research and development projects in such growth sectors as energy and the environment, and foster new industries that are internationally competitive.

Under the feed-in tariff system, the cost of purchasing renewable energy from licensed business operators will be added to electricity charges set by power utilities.

With the main point at issue being how to realize the final disposal of spent nuclear fuels, a clamorous debate among laymen continues to rage on the future of nuclear energy.

wind energy


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