
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

with a view to

〜する目的で 〜するために 〜をめざして 〜するつもりで 〜を見込んで 〜を望んで 〜を期待して 〜を予想して 〜を考慮して (⇒with a view to)

with a view toの関連語句

with a view toの用例

As the lift in economic activity has come to a pause, the Bank of Japan revised downward its previous view that the economy had started picking up moderately.

Behind these cautious views among large manufacturers are uncertainty over the debt crisis in the eurozone and the slowdown in the U.S. economy.

If the Komeito and the LDP agree to form a coalition government after the lower house election, the former may put a leash on LDP President Abe by including a clause of requiring the LDP not to deviate from the conventional government view on security as his policies tend to lean strongly to the right.

It’s more reasonable than not for NHK’s international broadcasting service to transmit the views of the government and to seek understanding abroad.

The firm’s president and other executives hold a meeting every morning to exchange views about management problems and the economic situation.

The Hakone Ropeway is off-limits but other spots offer great views of Mt. Fuji, a Hakone tourist information office official told a group of Thai tourists.

Views have emerged that crude oil demand will show little increase, leading to drops in crude oil prices.

With a view to future high-level contacts, the foreign ministers of China and India have glossed over a recent standoff along their countries’ disputed border.

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with a view to

〜する目的で 〜を目的として 〜するために 〜をめざして 〜するつもりで 〜を見込んで 〜を視野に入れて 〜を望んで 〜を期待して 〜を予想して 〜を考慮して

with a view toの関連語句

with a view toの用例

With a view to future high-level contacts, the foreign ministers of China and India have glossed over a recent standoff along their countries’ disputed border.

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