
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

work out

(問題などを)解く 解決する (対策などを)講じる (金額や量を)計算する (計画などを)立てる 策定する 打ち出す 詰める 〜を計画する 手はずを整える よく考える ひねり出す (戦略などを)練る 工夫する (〜の行動を)理解する 作り上げる 作成する 成し遂げる 〜を掘り尽くす (スポーツの)トレーニング[練習]をする 結局〜になる

work outの関連語句

work outの用例

After Israel and the Palestinian Authority have agreed to resume final status negotiations between them, ministerial-level officials from both parties are to meet in the near future to work out the terms and preconditions for the negotiations.

As for greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by the end of 2020, which drew criticism from other countries as being too low, the Japanese government needs to work out a basic energy plan that specifies a future ratio of nuclear power generation and to make steady progress in setting a realistic target for the years beyond 2020.

Population estimates up until 2060 by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research were worked out based on a national census taken every five year.

The government must assist current business conditions through flexible fiscal measures, while at the same time working out medium-term fiscal reconstruction steps, in order to ensure compatibility between fiscal rebuilding and business recovery.

The LDP gave up on its plan to work out common campaign pledges for the upper house election with New Komeito due to differences in their constitutional revision standpoints.

To resolve the financial unrest in EU nations, accelerating financial sector realignment in countries such as Germany must be worked out.

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