
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

work together

共に[一緒に]働く 協力する 協力し合う 力を合わせる 協調する 提携する 連携する 一丸となって取り組む タッグを組む (=band together, join together;⇒civil servant system, policy issue)

work togetherの関連語句

work togetherの用例

After the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and U.S. President Barack Obama confirmed on the phone that their two countries would work together toward stabilization of the Korean Peninsula.

As the foundation of Japan as a trading nation is eroding, the government and private sectors are working together to recoup lost ground.

China’s infringements of Japanese sovereignty have been continuing, so the government and the local governments concerned must work together strategically toward securing territorial integrity by building a thorough warning and surveillance system.

In order to prevent suicides which have been rapidly increasing due to the prolonged pandemic of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), local residents and organizations concerned must work together beyond their boundaries as measures to save as many lives as possible.

Japan must seek regional stability in line with international regulations and the spirit of the rule of law by working together with the United States and other countries in order to prevent military tensions with China from escalating.

Japan proposed to South Korea that the two countries work together to bring the Takeshima issue before the U.N. tribunal in The Hague.

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ will work together with foreign banks to extend 117 million Canadian dollars in joint loans to a mega solar power plant construction.

There are many cases in which companies have canceled [withdrawn] job offers due to the outbreak of the novel [new] coronavirus, so the public and private sectors must work together to prevent a recurrence of the employment ice age in hiring new graduates.

Washington must work together to with the rest of the world to tackle a host of challenges.

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