
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

working conditions

労働条件 作業条件 働く環境 労働環境 職場環境 労働実態

working conditionsの関連語句

working conditionsの用例

A Chinese defendant in the case involving the poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza dumplings injected organic phosphate insecticide into packages of gyoza to push for better working conditions by causing a stir through the act.

Exploitative firms referred to as black companies generally hire young workers en masse, assuming that most of them would eventually quit due to harsh working conditions.

Minoru Yamagishi, head of Fuji Heavy Industries’ labor union, handed requests on wages and improvement of working conditions to President Yasuyuki Yoshinaga at the headquarters of the company.

Taxi companies should primarily boost profits through cost-cutting measures to improve working conditions of taxi drivers.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry plans to create a telephone counseling service for young employees to hear their voices of protest against the harsh working conditions of black companies.

To eliminate wage differentials based on type of employment, opposition parties have taken a stand calling for improvement in the working conditions of nonregular workers by introducing the principle of equal pay for work of same kind.

Working conditions are getting tougher.

Working conditions of taxi drivers must be urgently improved as their work hours are significantly longer and their wages are lower compared to workers in other industries.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報



[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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