
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

workplace bullying

職場のいじめ 職場でのいじめ (=bullying in the workplace)

workplace bullyingの用例

Although school bullying is a big issue in the education field, bullying is basically caused by a lack of sensitivity toward other people.

As part of measures against bullying, the enactment of a basic law on measures to prevent bullying is also being studied.

In a school bullying case, papers on two of three classmates were sent to prosecutors on suspicion of assault or other charges and the other was sent to a child consultation center for delinquency.

Problems during summer vacation can develop into non-attendance at school, violence or bullying in the second trimester.

Reasons given for workplace bullying included deterioration or lack of personal communication and a lessening sense of nurturing.

The law for the promotion of preventive steps and countermeasures against bullying, enacted in September 2013, makes it mandatory for each school to draw up a basic policy on countermeasures to be taken, to set up a bullying countermeasures team comprising teachers, school staff and a school counselor, and to regularly conduct questionnaire surveys on bullying.

The memory of bullying which leaves a deep scar on children’s minds does not disappear and some people continue to suffer from such traumatic damage even as they become adults.

The municipal government did not confirm a direct link between the bullying and the junior high schoolboy’s suicide.

There are numerous problems facing this nation’s education, including bullying, truancy and a decline in the scholastic ability.

The teachers were aware the bullying was going on but turned a blind eye.

workplace bullying

職場のいじめ 職場でのいじめ (=bullying in the workplace)

workplace bullyingの用例

Reasons given for workplace bullying included deterioration or lack of personal communication and a lessening sense of nurturing.

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