
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

world economy

世界経済 世界の景気 (=global economy;⇒depression, leader, rise名詞)

world economyの用例

According to the BOJ’s monthly economic report, the Japanese economy shows weakness recently due to a slowdown of the world economy.

As major industrialized nations have enforced austerity programs in an attempt to rebalance their budgets while maintaining easy monetary policies, the world economy is still unstable.

Currency wars will cause turmoil in global markets and adversely impact the world economy if the wars become common practice.

Economic reinvigoration of Asia-Pacific nations as a whole is indispensable for a full-fledged recovery of the world economy.

Many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s believed that the world economy would recover as they expected wage reductions to jump-start the automatic market adjusting mechanisms.

Panasonic and Sharp may be forced to deal with losses again as the world economy is slowing down.

The Chinese economy will become anemic and the world economy could suffer immense damage if China is faced with an unabated flight of capital due to speculative investments that its economic bubble has lured from abroad.

The liberalization of capital flows in the globalized world economy is the core principle for ensuring the international financial system operated efficiently.

The plummet of stock prices in the Tokyo stock market on May 23, 2013 reminds us of the vulnerability of the world economy when its health solely depends on monetary easing.

The rapid surge in the yen’s value would impair the current improvement in the Japanese economy and deal a blow to the world economy.

The rise of protectionism could adversely affect any early recovery of the world economy.

The U.S. budget deficit reduction will help the world economy as it attempts to overcome the financial crisis.

The world economy seems to have left the worst of the financial crisis behind.

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