
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

year high


year highの関連語句

year highの用例

Accelerator driven systems (ADS) shorten the time required for the decay of radioactive constituents contained in high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power reactors from 1000,000 years to several hundred years.

According to the National Police Agency, about 4,000 to 5,000 cases of sexual violence against children are recorded every year, and many sex offenders tend to repeatedly commit similar acts of abuse.

After more than two and a half years of on-and-off negotiations between Washington and Beijing, the “Phase 1” trade deal was announced.

As a case of children conceived through donated sperm, the man discovered that he had no genetic link to his father when he examined his own white blood cells and those of his parents as part of his practical training in his fifth year at a medical faculty.

As a new greenhouse gas reduction framework to replace the Kyoto Protocol is to be implemented in 2020, the participating countries agreed to present their voluntary greenhouse gas emission targets for the years beyond 2020 in 2015.

As part of countermeasures against black companies, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will ask companies that hire university students and others through Hello Work job placement offices to reveal their employee turnover rates from the fiscal year (FY) 2014.

As the U.S. fiscal deficit has exceeded $1 trillion for four straight years, the Obama administration needs to quickly boost the economy and restore the health of government finances.

At the end of the year, women held 30 percent of U.S. management positions.

A 20-year-old gunman opened fire at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut and murdered 20 kids, and then committed suicide at the school.

Bank of Japan governor Haruhiko Kuroda aims to increase the quantity of money in circulation by ¥60 trillion to ¥70 trillion a year, more than triple the figures during the years of Hayami and Shirakawa.

Banks and electronics issues led the decline for the year.

Black Friday after the end of the Thanksgiving holiday is usually the busiest shopping day of the year.

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, who was elected as new Pope by the conclave of cardinals at the Vatican, took the name Francis and became the first non-European pontiff in nearly 1,300 years.

Due to the end of a government subsidy program for purchases of environmentally friendly vehicles, Toyota’s domestic sales will decline about 300,000 units to 1.4 million in 2013 compared to the previous year.

Due to the sharp rise in power generation costs and other factors, gross domestic product is expected to be pushed down by ¥30 trillion a year.

Due to the suspension of all nuclear power reactors, electric power output costs in jumped by about 25 percent from the preceding year.

Failure to reach an agreement between President Barack Obama and Congress could result in a fiscal contraction of up to $503 billion a year, pushing down real GDP growth by about 3 percent.

Germany’s 10-year government bonds are regarded as one of the safest assets in the eurozone.

Images taken by security cameras installed at stations and stores have become an effective tool to identify perpetrators of crimes in recent years.

In a private ceremony at the White House that set a more subdued tone compared to four years ago, U.S. President Barack Obama took the oath for his second term.

In job-hunting activities of university students, the start of screenings such as job interviews by companies will be delayed until August of the students’ fourth year, four months later than now.

Israel and the Palestinians have started to move toward a resumption of direct peace talks between them after a hiatus of about three years.

Japan saw its goods trade deficit in January-June 2012 balloon to about ¥2.5 trillion from ¥495.7 billion a year before.

Japan’s current account surplus in the first half of 2012 plummeted 45 percent from a year before to about ¥3.03 trillion, the lowest level in any first-half period since comparable data became available in 1985.

Japan suffered from a strong yen and depression under deflation for many years.

KEPCO and Kyushu Electric Power Co. have signed a one-year contract with a U.S. firm to jointly buy a total of 1 million tons of U.S. coal in the one year.

Las Vegas, which has 35 million visitors every year, earns the most from gambling.

Legal immigrant children under 18 years of age may automatically acquire citizenship when a parent naturalizes.

Nintendo’s Wii sales in the three months to June 30 more than halved from a year earlier.

Oil inventory in the United States as of the end of July was up 6.5 percent on the year-ago figure.

Private universities in the United States manage huge endowments, with Harvard University, for instance, currently having a ¥2.8 trillion endowment while receiving about ¥60 billion worth of new donations every year.

Prosecutors had demanded a six-year prison sentence, but the defendant was sentenced to 4 years in jail.

The acquisition of Australian major logistics player Toll Holdings by Japan Post Holdings Co. will be the second-largest deal after Suntory Holdings Ltd.’s purchase of large U.S. spirits maker Beam Inc. for about ¥1.7 trillion in 2014, among mergers and acquisitions of foreign firms by Japanese businesses in recent years.

The average daily balance of bank lending at Japanese banks in July 2012 rose 0.7 percent from a year before to ¥458.2 trillion.

The balance of bank notes in circulation rose 2.9 percent to ¥79.48 trillion in May 2011 from a year earlier.

The deflator, which indicates the overall trend in prices, dropped 2.5 percent in the April-June period compared to the corresponding period last year.

The firm’s stock price rose 3.2 percent after it announced its stock split on August 30, and it hit its high for the year on September 26.

The G7 has reached a major turn of events in that the latest meeting held in Canada did not release a joint communique for the first time in 12.5 years

The government’s midterm economic and fiscal outlook defined the coming two years as an economic adjustment period.

The inflation rate in Japan has been hovering around zero for years and the nation’s nominal gross domestic product has dropped by more than ¥30 trillion from five years ago.

The lunar occultation of Venus will be visible before dawn in most areas of Japan for the first time in 23 years.

The monetary base expanded 7.4 percent in May from a year earlier.

The new education guidelines for the 2011 academic year require foreign language activities for fifth- and sixth-grade primary school students.

The number of would-be entrepreneurs in Japan has been more than 1 million annually over the past 20 years.

The PISA test conducted by the OECD determines the abilities of 15-year-old students from 41 nations and territories to put their knowledge and skills to practical use.

The Politburo as the top decision-making body of the Chinese Communist Party finally took long-awaited action on the scandal that had loomed over Chinese politics for more than half a year.

The proportion of male university students with informal job contracts as of Feb. 1, 2013 rose 0.6 point to 81.3 percent from a year before.

The sea area of the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Nagoya and Aichi prefectures has reserves of natural gas equal to more than 10 years worth of Japan’s annual imports of liquefied natural gas.

The unemployment of the United States hovers at a high level and its economic recovery has been delayed while the U.S. fiscal deficit has topped $1 trillion for four consecutive years.

The U.S. FRB is poised to begin scaling back by the end of the year its QE3, the third round of quantitative monetary easing, which has helped shore up the U.S. economy.

The year 2013 marks the 40th anniversary of Japan-ASEAN friendship and cooperation.

The 11-year peg to the dollar was long seen as a cure for chronic inflation.

To avoid deflation, the ECB will implement a measure to provide low interest funds to commercial banks for up to four years.

To forestall autocratic rule, the new Constitution of Egypt limits the president to no more than two terms of four years each.

Under an ordinance of the Osaka prefectural government, if people who sexually assaulted youngsters live within the prefecture after being released from prison, they must report their personal information to the government over the five years after they completed their terms.

Universities must help students acquire skills and competence for the real world during their four -year education.

Years of window-dressing by Olympus to hide investment losses represent nothing but a companywide breach of trust.

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