((during)) Golden Week
The week from late April to early May is the busiest travel season in Japan. Four national holidays fall within this single week: Showa Day (April 29), Constitution Memorial Day (May 3), Greenery Day (May 4), and Children's Day (May 5). With Saturdays and Sundays in and around the week included, this period provides a golden opportunity for the Japanese to take a long vacation, and many do take advantage of“Golden Week”to travel either within the country or abroad.(意訳:4月29日の「昭和の日」から5月初めの「憲法記念日」(3日),「みどりの日」(4日),「こどもの日」(5日)にかけて一年のうちで最も休日が集中している週間.土曜日,日曜日も併せてまとまった休暇を取って海外旅行などを楽しむ人も多い)