a man [woman] who was born in a year with the same sign of the Chinese zodiac as the current year (and who therefore qualifies to serve as a bean-scatterer at the Setsubun ritual)
a man [woman] who was born in a year with the same sign of the Chinese zodiac as the current year (and who therefore qualifies to serve as a bean-scatterer at the Setsubun ritual)
〘 名詞 〙 年の暮れに、その年の仕事を終えること。また、その日。《 季語・冬 》[初出の実例]「けふは大晦日(つごもり)一年中の仕事納(オサ)め」(出典:浄瑠璃・新版歌祭文(お染久松)(1780)油...
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10/22 デジタル大辞泉プラスを更新