((celebrate)) the Girls' [Dolls'] Festival (on March 3)
Hinamatsuri is the Dolls' Festival, which is celebrated on March 3. Families with daughters display hina dolls on a multi-level platform and make offerings of diamond-shaped mochi (rice cakes), hina-arare (tiny, colorful roasted rice cakes), and white sake. On this day, parents pray for their daughters' healthy growth. This celebration is also called the Peach Festival, for it falls during the peach blossom season. Unlike the day of the Boys' Festival, it is not a national holiday.(意訳:女の子のための祭りで3月3日.女の子のいる家ではお雛様(ひなさま)と呼ばれる人形を飾り,ひしもち,ひなあられ,白酒を供えて女の子の健やかな成長を祈願する.桃の花の咲く頃に当たるので「桃の節句」とも言う.ただし,国民の祝日ではない)