
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)増やす 上昇させる 引き上げる 押し上げる 拡大する 高める 伸ばす 強化する (自動)増大する 増加する 増える 伸びる 激化する 拡大する 広がる



According to the BOJ’s Policy Board decision, funding for the purchase of government bonds and other assets will be increased to ¥80 trillion from ¥70 trillion as an additional monetary-easing measure.

Although pension benefits have continued to swell as the population ages, revenue for premiums to fund the pension system has not increased due to a decline in the working population and a drop in wages because of the sluggish economy.

As Hamas which controls the Gaza Strip is increasing its influence, it is not realistic for the Palestinian autonomous government to hold peace talks with Israel without Hamas, its rival within Palestine.

A significant number of firms are considering increasing the number of their recruits as the economy will improve particularly due to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

As it stands, the yen is the sole major currency whose value has not stopped increasing.

As long as Japan depends on thermal power generation as an alternative electricity source, LNG imports will continue to increase and the nation’s wealth will flow to countries rich in natural resources.

At its Policy Board meeting, the BOJ decided to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government bonds and other assets by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as additional easing moves.

A Yomiuri Shimbun survey showed that nonaffiliated voters increased eight percentage points from 43 percent recorded in the previous survey conducted immediately after the dissolution of the lower house.

Before increasing premiums for the compulsory auto insurance that every car owner must take out, the government should shed light on every problem in the compulsory automobile liability insurance program.

Domestic three main LCCs plan to increase their respective fleets to 74 from the current combined total of 16 by the end of fiscal 2016.

Exports to the United States and China are increasing.

Gasoline prices rose 6.4 percent in June, while city gas climbed 4.7 percent and electricity charges increased 9.8 percent, as the yen’s depreciation pushed up import prices of crude oil and liquefied natural gas.

If Japan overcomes deflation and achieves economic growth, tax revenues would increase, which could lead to fiscal reconstruction.

If personal information or data is once leaked, the risk of such data being used for improper purposes will be increased. And so, companies and administrative bodies which handle personal information or data must promptly examine whether there are any deficiencies in their information management systems.

In addition to foreign funds, the number of domestic activist shareholders who strongly press demands such as expansion of profits to improve corporate value will certainly increase.

In consideration of human resources and costs, outsourcing of work to overseas companies has been increasing in the field of information technology.

India’s demand for power has increased sharply with the high growth of its economy.

In order to counter China’s naval buildup, the Self-Defense Forces need to speed up work to increase its surveillance of the Nansei Islands.

In the case of Tokyo Electric Power Co., its fuel costs will increase by ¥33 billion per year if the yen is depreciated by ¥1 to the dollar for one year from the estimated exchange rate.

In the first half of the year, Honda increased U.S. market share to 8.9 percent from 8.1 percent.

In the Greek next general election, parties that oppose the country’s austerity measures may significantly increase the number of their seats.

It is considered problematic that recidivism rates among the elderly are increasing.

Japan must maintain a guard against military proactive acts by China and North Korea and increase its efforts to deter such acts.

Japan’s spending on social security, including pensions, medical care and nursing care, has been continuously increasing, amid a low birthrate and rapidly aging population.

Japan’s three main low-cost carriers will fly the same plane five to seven times a day by increasing their fleets, with the three airlines’ combined number of daily flights increasing from the current about 100 to at least 460.

Low cost carriers, which first became popular in Europe, the United States and other Asian countries, offer services more cheaply than conventional carriers through such cost-cutting measures as charging for in-flight meals or increasing the number of seats on LCC planes.

October sales of foreign car makers in the Japanese market increased by 10 percent from the same month last year and they have grabbed market share from domestic makers.

Power demand in summer will grow as domestic economic activities have been increasing.

Sales of department stores nationwide in January 2014 increased for the third consecutive month on a like-for-like basis from the previous year.

Since the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, demand for LNG has increased in Japan.

Tensions between Tokyo and Beijing will increase further if China’s pressure on Japan escalates.

The Bank of Japan decided on Sept. 19, 2012 to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government and corporate bonds by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as part of additional monetary easing measures.

The monetary bases in the United States and the eurozone increased about fivefold and threefold respectively from 2001 to 2013, while Japan’s monetary base increased only twofold.

The number of technical intern trainees continues to increase and there were more than 380,000 technical intern trainees as of the end of October 2019, up 70,000 from a year earlier.

The size of major geostationary satellites has increased to five to six tons in recent years.

The tendency of recent women to have children later in life generally increases the risk of congenital diseases.

The thick smog containing PM2.5 particles, which can penetrate deep inside the lungs, causing asthma, bronchitis and lung cancer, has been generated in various Chinese cities, and the number of people with respiratory ailments has sharply increased.

The weaker yen helps exporters, but close attention must be paid to the fact that the excessive depreciation of the yen will further increase the prices of imports of LNG and other foreign products.

To increase the ratio of renewable energy sources to make up for the loss of nuclear power plants, the ratios of solar power generation and wind power generation would have to be raised.

Universities are recommended by the Central Council for Education to increase interactive, discussion-based classes rather than having one-way lectures in large classrooms.

While prices of primary materials increase in Japan, consumer spending has been increasing due to improved consumer sentiment following recent strong stock prices, so beneficial and negative patterns of price hikes currently coexist.

With the aging of the population, nursing care and medical treatment are promising fields in which demand is expected to increase.


(名)増加 増大 伸び 上昇 引上げ 拡大 高まり (⇒capital increase)



Ahead of the consumption tax increase in April 2014, last-minute demand for big-ticket items such as automobiles is likely to continue until the end of March.

As for outbound investment, securities investment increased by 4.2 percent due to increases in purchases of European and U.S. bonds and stock investment in the U.S. market.

As the second significant increase following the 11.7 percent hike in fiscal 2011, premiums for the compulsory auto insurance will be increased by an average of 13.5 percent from April 2013.

BOJ Gov. Kuroda’s approach itself is not entirely different from that during Shirakawa’s governorship. But a major difference lies in the increase in the types of financial products the BOJ will buy from financial institutions.

Consumer prices are expected to continue to post moderate year-on-year increases of below 1 percent mainly due to a rise in energy prices.

Due to a year-on-year increase of 0.4 percent in the nation’s core consumer price index in June 2013, attention is now focused on whether there will be a virtuous cycle in which brisk consumption will push up prices.

Egypt will receive the IMF’s financial aid only if it pursues fiscal reconstruction through measures such as tax increases and spending cuts.

Imports in July 1-20, 2012 were up 4.7 percent at ¥3.92 trillion reflecting increases in imports of communications equipment as well as LNG.

In addition to higher gasoline prices, there are also concerns about increases in electricity, gas and other energy-related prices.

In times of inflation, pension payments increased in step with price increases.

It is all the more clear that the economy is in the process of recovering, with real GDP for the April-June quarter revised upward to an annualized increase of 3.8 percent from the first quarter.

It must be avoided that the government should increase the number of public works projects, including nonessential ones, by counting on a revenue increase due to the consumption tax rate hike.

Real gross domestic product for the April-June quarter was revised upward to an increase of 3.8 percent from last year in annualized terms.

Solid growth in our U.S. and Canadian markets fueled our largest dollar increases for the quarter.

S&P’s downgrades do not reflect an increase in Ford’s risk of bankruptcy.

The increase in fiscal 2011 budget requests is primarily attributed to debt-servicing costs of ¥24.1 trillion, an increase of ¥3.5 trillion from fiscal 2010.

The LDP has suggested further increase in the budgets for land improvement projects, but it may only end up as a lavish spending spree.

The planned increase of premiums for the compulsory auto insurance that every car owner must take out is attributed to the deteriorating financial condition of the insurance program.

The shipment volume of beer and quasi-beer by five major beer companies in July 2013 was 44.37 million cases, each of which contains the equivalent of 20633-milliliter bottles, a 3.3 percent increase from the same month last year.

Utilities have been taking a number of steps including increases in purchases of surplus electricity from companies with in-house power generation systems.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/inkríːs, /


1 (自)〈数量・範囲・程度などが〉増大[増加]する,増える(⇔decrease);(…が)高まる,強まる,著しくなる≪in≫([連語] [副]+increase:〔大きく〕significantly/enormously/greatly/tremendously;〔急に〕rapidly/dramatically/sharply;〔緩やかに〕gradually/steadily;〔常時〕constantly/continuously

increase in number [amount]

increase in power [popularity]

Farm production increased by 10 percent.

We increase in age, but not always in wisdom.

1a (他)〈…の数量・範囲・程度などを〉増大させる,増やす,拡大する(⇔diminish

increase the amount [the speed, the weight]

increase a person's salary

increase one's happiness [power]


increase 「数量・程度を増加する」の意味では最も一般的.

intensify 努力・行動・感情などの程度を高める.

escalate 争いなどの激しさの程度を高める.

expand 範囲を四方に広げる.

extend 一方向に引き伸ばす.

enlarge 形を大きくする.

augment ((形式))すでにかなりな程度に達している数量・価値・効果をさらに増す.

2 (自)繁殖する;〈月などが〉満ちる

━━/, /[名]

1 [C][U](…の)増加,増大,増進≪ofin≫([連語] [動]+increase:〔示す〕show/demonstrate/indicate/reveal;〔発生〕bring about/cause/lead to/result in;〔予測〕predict/anticipate/forecast/expect;〔要求〕demand/call for/recommend

the increase of alcoholism

pay [price, tax] increases

There is a steady increase in unemployment.

2 [C]増大量,増加額

on the increase







出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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