
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)エジプト (公式名はthe Arab Republic of Egypt(エジプト・アラブ共和国)で、首都カイロ)


According to Moody’s Investors Service, Egypt is likely to default on about 10 percent of its outstanding external debt in 2014 and fail to honor as much as 40 percent within five years.

Adly Mansour, the supreme justice of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court, was sworn in as interim president of Egypt in a ceremony at the Court, which was broadcast live on state television.

After the explosion accident of a sightseeing hot air balloon over Luxor, southern Egypt, Luxor prosecutors will examine the administrative responsibility of Egypt’s Civil Aviation Ministry which gave the green light for the balloon’s operating company to go airborne.

A national holiday celebrating the military on Oct. 6, 2013 turned to mayhem as security forces and Islamist protesters clashed around Egypt, leaving 51 killed.

Based on the basic agreement with the IMF, the Morsi administration of Egypt must implement such measures as tax increases and spending cuts to receive the IMF’s assistance. But the administration is reluctant to it for fear of a public backlash.

Due to the turmoil that followed the regime change, Egypt’s external balance of payments deteriorated and foreign reserves dropped sharply.

During demonstrations against the new Constitution of Egypt, there have been deaths in clashes with Islamist forces.

Egypt’s former president Hosni Mubarak received a life sentence as he failed to stop the killing of protesters during Egypt’s uprising.

Egypt’s Morsi administration has concluded a basic agreement with the IMF on loans totaling $4.8 billion, with strings attached, in an effort to avert a default on debts.

Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi demanded that the United Nations grant membership to the Palestinians by inserting himself into one of the thorniest issues in the Middle East.

Egypt, the great Middle East power, is walking a tightrope as it works to rehabilitate itself.

Egypt will receive the IMF’s financial aid only if it pursues fiscal reconstruction through measures such as tax increases and spending cuts.

Even under the new Constitution of Egypt, the special privilege which allows the military to bypass parliamentary approval on the defense budget has been left intact.

Gazans hope the ongoing battle between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas will break the blockade that Israel and Egypt impose on Gaza.

In Egypt, the rift between Islamism and secularism has widened over the establishment of the new Constitution.

In Egypt, troops opened fire on Muslim Brotherhood supporters and 55 people were killed.

Interim head of Egypt Adly Mansour named Hazem el-Beblawi, former finance minister, as interim prime minister, and former U.N. diplomat Mohamed ElBaradei was named deputy president for foreign affairs.

In the Middle East where upheavals continue in the wake of the Arab Spring, the civil war in Syria has bogged down with no clear end in sight, while Egypt has been unable to resolve its political problems.

Mr. Masayuki Yamauchi who specializes in modern Islamic and Middle Eastern history and international relations says that the political scene in Egypt between February 2011 and July 2013 should be referred as “squarecracy” or “streetcracy” rather than democracy.

Popular protests triggered by the antigovernment uprising in Tunisia spread to Egypt, toppling the regime of President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011.

Thanks to mediation by Egypt, Israel and Hamas managed to reach a ceasefire agreement at the last minute.

The democratization of Egypt has been advanced after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak in the Arab Spring and a brief period of military rule.

The divisions in Egypt were laid bare by a referendum on a revised Constitution held six months after the military removed the elected Islamist president.

The Morsi administration of Egypt is forced to apply the new Constitution carefully to prevent the confrontation between secular elements and Islamist forces from worsening.

The Muslim Brotherhood failed to govern Egypt by respecting popular sovereignty, although it took the helm of government through an election.

The White House treading a fine line with the pivotal Arab ally Egypt urged the country to respect the right to peaceful protest.

To forestall autocratic rule, the new Constitution of Egypt limits the president to no more than two terms of four years each.

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[名]エジプト(アラブ共和国)(Arab Republic of Egypt)(◇アフリカ北東部の共和国;首都 Cairo)

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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