
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

European Commission

欧州委員会 欧州委 (=the EU Commission;⇒European Parliament)

European Commissionの関連語句

European Commissionの用例

A European Commission trade commissioner said at the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee meeting that the EU and the United States could sign a comprehensive partnership agreement as early as the end of 2014.

If the European Commission’s proposal on the start of negotiations on a comprehensive partnership agreement between the EU and the United State is approved by all 27 member countries, the Commission will be able to begin talks with the U.S. on behalf of the EU.

Karel De Gucht is a European Commission trade commissioner who serves on the EU-U.S. joint panel as the EU representative.

The European Commission plans to start talks on a comprehensive partnership agreement between the United States and the European Union in the first half of 2013.

The European Commission’s new plan involves sharing 120,000 refugees from Greece, Italy and Hungary among 22 member countries.

The European Commission, the executive body of the EU, called for its member nations to conduct a fact-finding survey based on suspicions that carmakers other than Volkswagen have also engaged in wrongdoing.

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Européan Commíssion

〔the ~〕欧州委員会(◇EUの執行機関)

出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例

中国のゴビ砂漠などの砂がジェット気流に乗って日本へ飛来したとみられる黄色の砂。西日本に多く,九州西岸では年間 10日ぐらい,東岸では2日ぐらい降る。大陸砂漠の砂嵐の盛んな春に多いが,まれに冬にも起る。...
