英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
Great Depression
大恐慌 世界大恐慌 世界恐慌 (=Depression;⇒protectionist moves, slump)
Great Depressionの用例
At the time of the Great Depression of 1930s, foreign exchange rates were fixed by the gold standard, preventing Japan from devaluing its currency.
In coping with the Great Depression of the 1930s, the policy makers of many governments expected the gold standard to function as an automatic market adjusting mechanism, or market stabilizer.
Many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s believed that the world economy would recover as they expected wage reductions to jump-start the automatic market adjusting mechanisms.
The deflationary policy, which many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression of 1930s had to adopt under the gold standard regime, only resulted in prolonging the depression.
The Great Depression began in the Unites States in 1929.
The ongoing business slump raises the specter of a global downturn comparable to the Great Depression that started in 1929.
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