英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

LIBOR [Libor]

ロンドンの銀行間取引金利 ロンドン銀行間出し手金利 ロンドン銀行間貸し手金利 ロンドン銀行間オファーレート ライボー (London inter-bank offered rateの略。⇒Euribor, floating rate payments, TIBOR [Tibor])

LIBOR [Libor]の関連語句

LIBOR [Libor]の用例

Any payment not made when due will, in addition to any other right or remedy of Licensor, incur a finance charge at the lesser of three hundred basis points over the 3-month London Inter Bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR+3”) on the date payment was due or the highest applicable legal contract rate.

Barclays, one of Britain’s top banking groups, has paid a huge fine over its false Libor submission.

Britain’s top banking group Barclays initially submitted artificially high rates to manipulate Libor levels upward to shore up its profits.

Due to suspected rigging of the Libor in Britain, one of the world’s most highly cited benchmark interest rates, distrust in financial markets has been heightened.

Floating rate payments are based on rates tied to prime, LIBOR or U.S. Treasury bills.

In Barclays’ rate manipulation, other banks may have conspired to rig Libor submissions.

Libor is widely used as a benchmark for rates of corporate loans, derivatives contracts and many other financial deals.

Libor, widely used globally as a benchmark rate for financial transactions, has been revealed to have been distorted by false submissions from Barclays which is one of Britain’s top banking groups.

Rate-rigging fine paid by Swiss bank UBS over LIBOR is expected to be double that levied on British bank Barclays in June 2012.

The Japanese Bankers Association will beef up its inspections of submissions from banks for the Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate, known as the Japanese version of Libor, amid Libor scandal.

The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor, is calculated on the basis of unregulated estimates of rates that major commercial banks operating in London submit to the British Bankers’ Association.

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