
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry

国土交通省 国交省

Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministryの用例

Airlines must first obtain permission from the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry before opening new air routes.

In the wake of the disaster in which the South Korean ferry Sewol sank in waters off Jindo, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry has instructed the passenger ship industry to reconfirm the safety of sea routes and procedures for emergency escape from vessels.

To correct unfairness in the industry caused by the government’s bailout of JAL, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry will allocate 11 arrival and departure slots for international flights, scheduled to be added to Haneda Airport in late March 2014, to ANA Holdings inc. and only five to Japan Airlines.

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