
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)北朝鮮 北朝鮮政府 (北朝鮮の首都)平壌 ピョンヤン (⇒abduct, regime)


According to Kurt Campbell, the former U.S. assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, the Kim Jong Un regime of Pyongyang repeatedly refused calls from the U.S. government seeking dialogue.

According to the statement of Pyongyang’s foreign ministry, North Korea will not rule out a new form of a nuclear test aimed at strengthening its nuclear deterrence.

As a move to jeopardize the symbol of cooperation between South Korea and North Korea, Pyongyang cut off a military hotline with South Korea that allows cross-border travel to a jointly run industrial complex.

As Pyongyang continues to push ahead with its nuclear program, the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice in the Korean War comes.

At the meeting of the tripartite senior diplomatic officials in Washington, Japan, the United States and South Korea agreed that if Pyongyang launches a long-range ballistic missile, the three countries will bring the case to the U.N. Security Council to call for decisive international action.

Both Koizumi and Kim Jong-il agreed in the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration to resume negotiations on normalizing bilateral relations in October 2002.

Bush, who has branded North Korea part of “an axis of evil,” initially put a policy of pursuing dialogue with Pyongyang on hold.

China has a life-or-death influence over the North Korea as the largest donor country and trade partner of Pyongyang.

In Pyongyang, a Japanese government delegation opened talks with North Korea over the issue of Japanese nationals abducted to the country.

It’s crystal clear that the purpose of restarting the reactor by Pyongyang is the production of more plutonium for more bombs.

North Korea promised to reopen investigation into Japanese abductees. But Japan has been played false by the country in the past, so the families of them urged the Japanese government to properly assess Pyongyang’s resolve.

North Korea’s bloodcurdling war threats are generally regarded as only over-the-top rhetoric from the reclusive and eccentric leadership in Pyongyang.

North Korea set up two special economic zones with China, but Pyongyang got a lukewarm reception to a plea for investment in them.

North Korea’s massive military parade in Pyongyang to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice in the Korean War seems to be aimed at flaunting the power of Kim Jong Un, the first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Pyongyang agreed to take the first steps toward denuclearization in return for energy aid.

Pyongyang announced that it would extend its ballistic missile launch because it had found a technical deficiency in the missile, but it might have been a ploy to test the South Korea’s military response and observation system.

Pyongyang has resumed the construction of the two nuclear reactors.

Pyongyang may further ratchet up tensions by escalating provocative actions.

Pyongyang’s accounts with Banco Delta Asia in Macao were frozen under U.S. financial sanctions.

Pyongyang’s announcement that it would extend the launch window of its ballistic missile by a week because of a missile glitch is pointed out to have been a possible smokescreen.

Pyongyang vowed to restart all mothballed facilities at its Yongbyon nuclear complex shut down in 2007.

The Japanese government will send a delegation to Pyongyang to examine progress in its reinvestigation on Japanese nationals abducted or believed to have been abducted to the reclusive country.

The Vice Foreign Minister of China stopped well short of condemning the rocket launch planned by Pyongyang.

Tokyo and Washington must devise concrete strategies to work on Pyongyang.

Washington is slandering Pyongyang by spreading unfounded rumors, a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/pjʌ̀ŋjάːŋ | pjɔ̀ŋjǽŋ/


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