Southeast Asia

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Southeast Asia


Southeast Asiaの用例

As labor costs in China are expected to continue rising, labor-intensive industries such as fashion and electronics will keep relocating their manufacturing bases to Southeast Asia and other regions with cheaper labor.

In Southeast Asia characterized by diversity, per capita income in Singapore now exceeds $50,000, more than 50 times that for Cambodia and Myanmar with less than $1,000 a year.

In Southeast Asia, industrial clusters have been built in such areas as greater Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City, while cross-border infrastructure is rapidly being improved in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), comprising five ASEAN nations and China.

Japanese companies’ direct investment in Southeast Asia in the first half of 2013 posted a fourfold year-on-year jump to about ¥1 trillion, which is twice as high as China-bound investment.

Prime Minister Abe delivered the speech on the Japan-ASEAN relationship in Singapore during his visit to Southeast Asia.

To avert China risks such as the stronger Chinese yuan, surging labor costs and anti-Japan riots, some firms have shifted production lines to other countries in Southeast Asia and other regions with cheaper labor.

With labor costs surging in China and domestic production recovering competitiveness thanks to the recent weakening of the yen, some Japanese companies have moved production bases to Southeast Asia and other regions.

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Sóutheast Ásia


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