
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

aim at

〜を目指す 〜を目標とする 〜を狙(ねら)う

aim atの用例

A bill on the national civil servant system reform scrapped in 2009 was aimed at rectifying a harmful effect of bureaucratic sectionalism that seemingly placed importance on “ministries’ interests above the national interests.”

According to the Syrian government, the warnings about the use of chemical arms by the U.S. and other countries are aimed at whipping up an excuse for military intervention.

As a growth strategy to resuscitate the Japanese economy, it is essential for the government to adopt policies aimed at acquiring new markets through deregulatory steps, while expediting technological innovations in the private sector.

Before the G-20 meeting, representatives from emerging economies expressed concern that the Abe administration’s economic policy dubbed as Abenomics, which involves bold monetary easing and an active fiscal stimulus package, is aimed at the depreciation of the yen.

Goldman Sachs’ capital increase is partly aimed at regaining the confidence in the U.S. financial market, which has been facing a raft of financial problems.

In step with the growing popularity of virtual engineering, the United States has launched a national strategy aimed at reinvigorating its manufacturing sector.

North Korea’s massive military parade in Pyongyang to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice in the Korean War seems to be aimed at flaunting the power of Kim Jong Un, the first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Six-party talks are aimed at denuclearizing North Korea as the reclusive state.

The cornerstone of the Cool Japan initiative aimed at promoting the exports of Japanese pop culture is the content industry which produces anime, video games and movies.

The experiment was aimed at elucidating the cell division mechanism at the level of genes.

The framework of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific is aimed at liberalizing trade and investment as well as the elimination of nontariff barriers, regulatory reform and smoother logistics.

The government must aim at realizing the fiscal reconstruction and economic expansion by passing a bill to raise the consumption tax rate as soon as possible.

The government’s “green growth strategy” aims at achieving the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2050.

The Japanese government is aiming at boosting the country’s total fertility rate from the current about 1.4 to about 2.0.

The LDP aims at doubling agricultural income and the value of agricultural exports, but its road map to achieve this target is unclear.

The reconstruction budgets of a total of ¥18 trillion are aimed at decontaminating areas affected by the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, rebuilding infrastructure damaged by the tsunami and disposing of debris.

The revised law of normalizing and reinvigorating the taxi industry is aimed at designating central Tokyo and the downtown areas of other major cities as “special areas” because the number of cabs is regarded as excessive, which will be subject to mandatory taxi reductions.

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