
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

air pollution

大気汚染(=air contamination)

air pollutionの関連語句

air pollutionの用例

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else by ignoring environmental protection measures.

Air pollution mainly caused by a high density of particulate matter 2.5, or PM2.5, is becoming ever more serious in China. And PM2.5 is reaching Japan as “transborder pollution” on a massive scale after sweeping over the sea.

Beijing’s air pollution, which is approaching a level unsuitable for inhabitation, is mainly caused by vehicle emissions and soot produced when burning coal at factories.

Beijing which is enveloped in a brownish-grey smog is considered among the worst to live in due to chronic air pollution.

China’s air pollution has become ever more serious and the concentration of PM 2.5 exceeded 500 micrograms per cubic meter of air at one point in Beijing on Feb. 26, 2014.

China’s serious air pollution problem shows the limit of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else.

Despite the fact that automotive exhaust accounts for a sharply shrinking proportion of air pollution, some state environmental agencies would mandate the sale of a certain number of electric cars, they would propose use of alternative fuels that are not required by the Clean Air Act, or they would develop “trip reduction” plans that go so far as to fine businesses that don’t get enough employees to carpool.

In Beijing, there is overwhelming air pollution caused by particulate matter called PM2.5, and it has been reported a one-day stay in the city is the equivalent of smoking 21 cigarettes.

In the face of the domestic issue of overwhelming air pollution due to PM2.5, China shouldn’t have the time to flirt with other countries’ territories.

More people should carpool or use public transportation to reduce air pollution.

So far as China’s air pollution is concerned, the level of the country’s environmental pollution has already gone beyond the acceptable limit.

Two schools for Japanese children in Shanghai suspended students’ outside activities due to air pollution caused by the thick smog which cannot be overlooked.

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