
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(動)逮捕する 検挙する 拘置する 拘留する (進行を)止める 阻(はば)む 阻止する 回避する 遅らせる 停止させる 歯止めをかける (注意を)引く (名)逮捕 検挙 拘置 拘留 拘束 阻止 停止



A former executive of the securities firm was arrested by the Yokohama District Public Prosecutors Office on suspicion of insider trading in violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

A man arrested on suspicion of possessing a pair of plastic handguns downloaded data on blueprints for the guns from overseas websites and made them on his own by keying the data into a 3-D printer he had purchased on the Internet.

An anime director, who was wrongly arrested and later released by Osaka police for allegedly posting online threats, downloaded free software containing a virus.

At the hospital following the quake, most of the elderly patients brought in for emergency treatment were unconscious and in a state of cardiac arrest.

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader and the Nobel Peace Prize winner, is placed under house arrest in her home in the former capital, Yangon.

A 49-year-old contract worker of Aqli Foods Corp. was arrested for allegedly injecting pesticide into frozen food products made by the company.

Before being arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department, Mt. Gox president claimed that the bitcoins and cash disappeared from the firm’s computer system were stolen by hacker’s cyber-attacks.

Carlos Ghosn, chairman of the alliance between Nissan Motor Co., Renault SA and Mitsubishi Motor Co. was arrested on suspicion of violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

Daio Paper’s former chairman was arrested on suspicion of aggravated breach of trust in November 2011.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned from the IMF’s managing director after being arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a hotel maid.

Ex-Kyoto University Hospital associate professor and doctor was arrested for allegedly receiving bribes from a medical equipment trader in exchange for favored treatment regarding orders from the university.

FIFA top officials and others including the executives of sports marketing firms were arrested on suspicion of violating the U.S. RICO Act.

I’m very sorry we’ve disturbed the public, President Akio Toyoda said after the firm’s first female executive was arrested for allegedly importing painkiller oxycodone illegally into Japan without permission from authorities.

Incubator Bank of Japan which was scandal-ridden for its lax lending practices and arrests of its executives has finally collapsed.

In the Russian Far East city of Khabarovsk, 6,100 kilometers east of Moscow, Russia, thousands of demonstrators rallied on Aug. 1, 2020 to protest the arrest of the region’s governor, and after that a three-week wave of opposition to the Kremlin continued.

On condition that demonstrators vacate most of the buildings they occupy, Ukraine’s parliament passed a measure offering amnesty to those arrested in two months of protests.

Police took action on 68 people, 59 of whom are Chinese, involved in illegal money transfer via the Internet in 2013, including those who only played the role of withdrawing money from ATMs, but no suspected masterminds were arrested.

South Korean government has lifted a travel ban on Tatsuya Kato, former Seoul bureau chief for Sankei Shimbun, who is currently on trial, indicted without arrest over the alleged defamation of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

The Blue House is believed to have given the green light for the indictment without arrest against Tatsuya Kato, former chief of the Sankei Shimbun’s Seoul Bureau, under the information and communications network law.

The economic downturn seems to have been arrested thanks to international policy coordination.

The government authorized the deportation of 14 anti-Japan activists from Hong Kong who were arrested on suspicion of violating the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law by landing on Uotsurijima island.

The joint investigation headquarters arrested an information technology company employee in Tokyo on suspicion of interfering with third-party businesses.

The manager of a video-related firm, who beamed the green rays at a U.S. helicopter carrying four marines near the Futenma base in Okinawa, was arrested on suspicion of obstructing business by force.

The new administration must do everything it can to arrest these deflationary pressures and boost the economy.

The personal computers of innocent people who were wrongly arrested on suspicion of sending online threats via their PCs were later found to have been infected with a virus which allowed a third party to control them remotely.

The revised Unfair Competition Prevention Law makes it possible for police to arrest suspects for the attempted theft of trade secrets.

The surest way to arrest the appreciation of one’s own currency is to continue to buy dollars against its own currency.

The worldwide police authority Interpol has issued an international arrest order for former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori on charges of murder.

The 45-year-old suspect was arrested on suspicion of abandoning the body of a 13-year-old girl.

Tor used in a computer virus case in which four men were mistakenly arrested can hide a user’s identity by sending messages via several servers abroad.

Two of the four men mistakenly arrested in the remote-control virus incidents seem to have been coerced by the police and made false confessions.

Two U.S. Navy men were arrested for allegedly raping and injuring a Japanese woman in Okinawa prefecture.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報




1 (他)〔しばしば受身形で〕〈警察などが〉〈犯人などを〉逮捕する,(…の容疑で)拘束する,捕まえる≪for

She was arrested for DWI.

be arrested on a charge of ...

2 (他)((形式))〈成長・進展などを〉引き止める,抑える,阻む,妨げる

arrest the decline in prices

arrest the development [the spread] of the disease

2a (自)〈人の〉心臓が止まる

3 (他)((形式))〈人目・注意などを〉引きつける,くぎ付けにする

The very first page arrested my attention.


1 [C]逮捕,拘束;[U]逮捕した[された]状態

make 12 arrests

place [put] ... under arrest

2 [C](成長・進展などを)引き止める[抑える,妨げる]こと

a cardiac arrest

2a [C]《機械》制動装置




出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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