benefit from

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

benefit from

〜から利益を得る 〜の恩恵を受ける 〜のメリットを受ける 〜を享受する 〜が追い風になる 〜の効果がある

benefit fromの関連語句

benefit fromの用例

As many domestic manufacturers have moved their production sites from Japan to Asian nations and elsewhere, the Japanese economy benefits less and less from the weak yen which lowers export costs.

Benefiting from the yen’s depreciation which resulted from Abenomics, the Abe administration’s economic policies, the earnings environment for export-oriented companies has greatly improved.

Everyone connected with the Corporation, or the people we call our “stakeholders” will also benefit from value-oriented management.

Indonesia, an ASEAN member nation, has benefited from the so-called “demographic bonus” that refers to a situation in which an increase in the working-age population spurs economic growth.

In his State of the Union address delivered on January 28, 2014, Obama proposed minimum wage hikes in consideration of low-income earners who have not yet benefited from the economic recovery, while referring to the expansion of job opportunities with the TPP free trade agreement and immigration reform.

Stable yields on Italian government bonds and the uplifting in the values of Japanese stocks are two representative cases of securities which have benefited from the turnaround in investors’ sentiment.

The bank repeatedly lied so that it could benefit from the U.S. government program that insured mortgage.

The Japanese manufacturing industry is expected to benefit from the weak yen.

U.S. companies are continuing to benefit from a boom in exports due mainly to the decline in the value of the dollar earlier this year.

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