
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

call for

要求する 求める 訴える 呼びかける[呼び掛ける] 唱える 掲げる 必要とする 予報する (名)要求 要請 求め 呼びかけ 訴え (⇒pragmatism)

call forの用例

Amid public calls for eliminating the waiting lists for licensed day care centers, it is required to create an environment in which more people can raise their children while continuing their careers.

A new “childcare security plan” worked out by the government calls for the provision of childcare services for about 140,000 children from fiscal 2021 to the end of fiscal 2024.

A shift to domestic demand-led economic growth has long been called for.

As it is the government’s duty to help secure the safety of Japanese abroad, the draft revisions of the SDF law call for adding overland transportation of Japanese nationals abroad to the scope of SDF missions.

At the meeting of the tripartite senior diplomatic officials in Washington, Japan, the United States and South Korea agreed that if Pyongyang launches a long-range ballistic missile, the three countries will bring the case to the U.N. Security Council to call for decisive international action.

At the shareholders meetings of nine electric power companies that own nuclear power plants, many shareholders called for management reform at the utilities.

Based on health officials’ advice that a travel ban into the West African countries where Ebola infections have been spreading would be counterproductive, Obama has resisted Republican calls for the ban.

Despite public-service warnings against hoarding amid the call for self-restraint of unnecessary and unurgent outings on weekend, residents stocked up on everything from instant noodles to toiletries and fresh produce.

Egged on by Trump’s calls for a pro-Trump mob to “fight like hell” against the presidential election results, the mob broke into the U.S. Capitol.

Even within the United States, some observers are calling for restraint rather than resorting to emotional “Toyota bashing.”

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

In a challenge to the Egyptian government’s declaration of a month-long state of emergency and a dusk-to-dawn curfew, the Muslim Brotherhood called for a mass rally.

In his State of the Union address delivered on February 12, 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama threw his weight behind a deal that would encompass half the world’s economic output by calling for talks on a far-reaching free trade agreement with the EU.

In its election pledge, Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) calls for raising the eligibility age for pension benefits.

Japan is calling for the United States to increase its low-tariff import quota on Japanese beef through the TPP negotiations.

JA Zenchu released a proposal for reforming itself, which calls for JA Zenchu to maintain its status under the Agricultural Cooperatives Law.

May 1st is May Day, a day for workers, and is celebrated around the world, and workers rally and march to call for pay raises and better conditions.

More 3-judge panels in civil cases, which the top court calls for, include liability claims on system development, or violation of accountability lawsuits by clients against agencies for losing large amounts of money through intricate financial instruments.

Police have fired tear gas and water cannons at demonstrators to quell protests calling for the resignation of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan.

Regarding unauthorized access to the computers of a leading electronics maker by a Chinese-affiliated hacker group, thorough elucidation of the incident is called for.

Some corporate pension fund managers have called for the funds to be bailed out with taxpayer money as the funds suffer from the shortage of reserves necessary to pay pension benefits.

Some in the LDP are calling for a revision to the law to punish organized crimes in the wake of a series of terrorist attacks in Paris. But the government will not submit to next year’s ordinary Diet session a bill to criminalize involvement in conspiracy to commit terrorism and other crimes.

The bill to revise the juvenile law calls for lifting the maximum term from 10 years to 15 years for indeterminate sentences for juvenile crimes.

The committee called for the president to step down.

The Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party have called for easing the burden placed on Okinawa Prefecture in the campaign for the House of Councilors election.

The Democratic Party released its party platform that echoes U.S. President Obama’s call for higher taxes on wealthier Americans.

The government calls for establishing a new system for children and child-rearing in its integrated reform of the social security and tax systems.

The 2001 Irkutsk Statement calls for settling the dispute over the northern territories before a peace treaty is concluded.

The Japanese government plans to call for the adoption of a sanctions resolution against North Korea at the U.N. Security Council.

The proposal of an LDP’s study panel on nuclear energy policy and supply-demand issues calls for boosting the ratio of key base-load power sources including nuclear and coal-fired thermal power, which can generate electricity on a 24-hour basis, from the current 40 percent to 60 percent.

The protests calling for the resignation of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan have brought turmoil to Turkey, leaving several people dead.

The Republicans oppose tax hikes on the wealthy, calling for extending across-the-board tax cuts.

The second impeachment trial against [of] former President Donald Trump in the U.S. Senate questioned whether his call for a march to Congress had constituted “incitement of insurrection” at his supporters’ rally on Jan. 6, 2021.

The Stewardship Code, which was introduced by the Financial Services Agency in February 2014, calls for institutional investors to exercise their voting rights aggressively.

To curb pension benefits, Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) is calling for raising the pension eligibility age through creation of employment for the elderly.

To eliminate wage differentials based on type of employment, opposition parties have taken a stand calling for improvement in the working conditions of nonregular workers by introducing the principle of equal pay for work of same kind.

To focus tax cuts on the middle-class and reduce fiscal deficits, Obama has consistently called for ending tax cuts for wealthy households earning more than $250,000 a year during and after the presidential campaign.

To stem the bloodshed due to a civil war in Syria, international mediator Lakhdar Brahimi has called for a ceasefire during the Islamic Eid al-Adha holiday.

When the Japan Meteorological Agency expects an extraordinary event or conditions, such as heavy rain, heavy storms, high tides, high waves and volcanic eruptions, the agency calls for maximum caution by issuing an emergency warning.

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