
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)候補 候補者 立候補者 志願者 志望者 応募者 受験者 有資格者 候補地 〜しそうな人 〜になりそうな人 (⇒defeat動詞、presidential election)



According to a Yomiuri Shimbun tally, the DPJ has decided on 177 candidates for the lower house election on December 14, 2014 as of November 27.

According to information publicly disclosed by the Swedish Academy, Junichiro Tanizaki, a Japanese writer, was shortlisted as one of the five final candidates for the Nobel Prize In Literature in 1960.

A record 1,504 candidates will run in the lower house election.

As a case of voter fraud, officials at one facility for the mentally handicapped instructed residents to vote for a certain candidate.

At its shareholders meeting, the company will explain measures to strengthen corporate governance and reconstruct management, including limiting terms of directorship, introducing mandatory retirement for directors and setting up an independent committee to nominate candidates for directorships and setting their salaries.

Cerberus Capital Management LP, the U.S. fund, proposed eight director candidates of its own at the shareholders meeting of Seibu Holdings Inc., but it failed to gain majority approval for its proposal.

Due to the revelation of suspicions of voting fraud in the Afghan presidential runoff election held in June 2014, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry brokered a deal between the two rival candidates.

Even if Aung San Suu Kyi and other opposition candidates win all the seats contesting in Myanmar’s by-election, they would have almost no say.

Four major candidates in the Tokyo gubernatorial election held their first face-to-face debate and discussed issues such as nuclear power and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics during the recording of a program for NTV.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

If the LDP’s bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law passes, political parties and candidates will be able to update their websites and send out e-mails and the use of blogs, microblogs such as Twitter and social networking services will be liberalized.

If the use of the Internet is liberalized in election campaigns, the Internet can serve as a means for candidates’ swift rebuttal when negative information is circulated about them.

Indonesian and Filipino candidates for certified nurses and nursing care workers are asked to return home if they do not pass the national qualification examinations for them.

Indonesian and Filipino candidates for the national qualification tests [examinations] have studied while working full-time as trainees at hospitals and nursing care facilities.

In Russia’s presidential election, anti-Putin forces could not field a candidate strong enough to counter Putin.

In South Korea, election campaigns via the Internet waged to cause a candidate to lose have spread in the past.

In the Democratic Party of Japan’s presidential election, the hot favorite is Noda as none of the other three candidates have been able to drum up significant support.

In the Syrian presidential election, Assad’s victory was a foregone conclusion though there were other candidates on the ballot for the first time in decades.

In the unified local elections, candidates held back from roadside speeches amid widespread restraint in festive activities after the March 11 quake and tsunami.

It’s difficult to prevent people from pretending to be candidates for public office on the Internet.

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan restoration group) intends to field about 350 candidates nationwide in the next national poll.

Park Geun-hye of the ruling Saenuri Party defeated rival candidate Moon Jae-in of the Democratic United Party, the largest opposition party, in a closely fought South Korea’s presidential election.

Republicans formally nominated Mitt Romney as their presidential candidate at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.

The current field of Democratic candidates seems to be ill-equipped to defeat U.S. President Donald Trump.

The DPJ’s top echelon designated two party members as candidates running on DPJ tickets in Tokyo prior to the start of official campaigning for the upper house election.

The first direct debate between the incumbent President Donald Trump, a Republican, and former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, did not lead to policy debates due to so many personal attacks and one interrupting the other while speaking. This low-level U.S. presidential election debate speaks volumes about the deterioration of U.S. politics.

The LDP has put its candidates on the party ticket in all electoral districts.

The number of candidates standing unopposed was conspicuously high in unified local elections.

The presidential race of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party is shaping up to be a neck-and-neck showdown among three candidates.

The Tokyo District Court will screen about 400 lay judge candidates for the coming trial of a senior member of the defunct Aum Supreme Truth cult.

The University of Tokyo will accept even students who may be seen as mavericks, by introducing a special examination for candidates recommended by high schools.

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a ceiling on overall contributions to candidates, parties and political action committees (PACs).

To fire up voters, Democratic presidential candidates hustled across the State of Iowa.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney tried to highlight U.S.-Britain bonds and show off his diplomatic skills.

With nine candidates in the race to select a successor to former Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, campaigning for the Tokyo gubernatorial election officially started.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報


/kǽndidèit, -dət/


1 (職・地位などへの)候補者,志望[志願]者≪for≫(◆応募資格を備えた候補者をさすことが多い);((英))(資格取得試験の)受験生

1a (選挙の)候補者,立候補者≪for

the Democratic candidate for the presidency

1b ((米))(博士号などの)候補者

a doctoral candidate in literature

2 (選出または推薦された)候補,(…の)候補者[地];(…に)なりそうな人[もの],値する人[もの]≪for

a candidate for the prize

the prime candidate for the Olympic Games

a candidate for greatness


出典 小学館「プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)」プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第5版)について 情報 | 凡例





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