

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

central bank

中央銀行 (日本の場合は日本銀行(日銀)を指す。⇒Bank of Japan, currency, soft landing, stabilization)

central bankの関連語句

central bankの用例

According to the World Gold Council, central banks have bought 198 metric tons of gold so far this year.

An executive of the Bank of England, Britain’s central bank, is suspected to have pressured Barclays to engage in the Libor rate manipulation.

As Japan’s central bank has decided on an additional monetary easing package worth ¥10 trillion, the bank’s fund to purchase government bonds and other assets will exceed ¥100 trillion.

Bitcoin circulated only on the Internet is not under the control of central banks unlike regular currencies.

Bitcoin isn’t an official currency unlike the yen and the dollar issued by the central banks of Japan and the United States.

Central banks should control money in circulation not to induce a change in exchange rates, but to stabilize domestic prices and bring about economic recoveries.

Foreign exchange market intervention by governments and central banks is undesirable.

Former BOJ Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa adhered to the convention of making interest rates the target of monetary policy because the central bank would be required to purchase an infinite amount of government bonds if the target were changed to the money supply.

Governments facing fiscal hardship sometimes force their central banks to buy up government bonds.

If money circulates through companies and consumers by the central bank’s increase in money supply, Japan will be able to end a steady decline in price levels and exit from deflation.

In a joint response to the global financial crisis, the U.S. FRB, ECB and central banks in Britain, Canada, Sweden and Switzerland cut interest rates in unison.

In global currency wars, central banks effectively lower the value of their countries’ currencies to boost their countries’ export competitiveness.

In the case of a negative interest rate which the ECB has introduced, commercial banks have to pay interest at this rate, which is like a handling fee, to place funds at the central bank.

In the market and elsewhere, there has been concern about the BOJ’s new quantitative monetary easing measures that the central bank’s purchases of government bonds could spin out of control.

It’s because major central banks’ quantitative easing programs have led to improved investors’ sentiment that yields on Italy’s government bonds have been stable despite the two-month political vacuum.

LDP President Abe said that he will ask the BOJ to buy construction bonds, or the government bonds issued for public works projects, through open market operations, which is a typical monetary control measure conducted by the central bank.

Stock prices rose and the yen fell as markets reacted positively to LDP President Shinzo Abe’s recent remarks on the central bank’s unlimited monetary easing measures.

The Bank of Japan changed the index of monetary easing to the monetary base, or the total amount of liquid assets supplied to the market by the central bank, from interest rates.

The BOJ is expected to work with the government under Haruhiko Kuroda, the next governor of the central bank to help the national economy extricate itself from a protracted period of deflation.

The central bank likely will predict the consumer price index will edge up in fiscal 2010.

The central bank of India cut interest rates as it looks to boost investment and kick-start the flagging economy.

The ECB has adopted a negative deposit rate as the first major central bank in the world to prevent the European economy from falling into deflation.

The Fed will buy $45 billion in longer-term Treasuries each month in January 2013 on top of the $40 billion per month in mortgage-backed bonds which the central bank started purchasing in September 2012.

The independence of the central bank will be undermined if the government is given the power to dismiss the bank governor.

The monetization of fiscal deficits by the central bank is legally prohibited in many countries, but the central bank is authorized to purchase government bonds in secondary markets.

The six central banks around the world, including the U.S. FRB and the ECB, participated in the latest coordinated rate cuts.

The unanimous decision by the U.S. central bank’s policy setting FOMC moved the benchmark federal funds rate to 1.25 percent.

The U.S. central bank will buy mortgage-backed securities (MBS) guaranteed by the government-controlled home loan giants Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae.

With the Japanese economy left in uncertainty, the new government will be required to adopt pump-priming measures to keep pace with the Bank of Japan, while the central bank will be asked to watch and deal with the economy with even more care.

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