
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

chairman’s statement

会長報告書 社長報告書 社長声明

chairman’s statementの関連語句

chairman’s statementの用例

After U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated the possibility of scaling down asset purchases as part of quantitative easing, followed by a rise in U.S. long-term interest rates to over 2 percent, moves to sell Japanese government bonds gained pace.

At a session of the rubber-stamp Supreme People’s Assembly of North Korea, Kim Jong-il was named “eternal chairman” of National Defense Commission.

By saying the Fed doesn’t have any authority with respect to bitcoin, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen gave a tacit nod to bitcoins.

Carlos Ghosn, chairman of the alliance between Nissan Motor Co., Renault SA and Mitsubishi Motor Co. was arrested on suspicion of violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

Former chairman of Daio Paper Corp. obtained the loans of ¥5.5 billion from the company’s seven consolidated subsidiaries without collateral or approval from each subsidiary’s board of directors.

Hu Jintao, who led China for ten years during his two terms, handed over the posts of general secretary and chairman of the Central Military Commission to Xi Jinping.

Hu Jintao, who led China for ten years during his two terms, vacated the general secretary post and also stepped down as chairman of the Central Military Commission in the latest leadership appointment.

In a press conference following a two-day meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the FRB’s “exit strategy” for normalizing its ultra-easy monetary policy.

In secretive North Korea, the country’s leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek (the vice chairman of the National Defense Commission), considered the power behind the throne, is reported to be out of a job.

Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Tadashi Okamura thinks that the appropriate exchange rate of the yen is between ¥85 and ¥90 to the dollar.

Nissan Motor’s former chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn flew out to Lebanon on a private jet.

Shigeru Ishiba, former chairman of the LDP’s Policy Research Council, formally announced his candidacy for the LDP leadership race.

Sony Corp. named Vice Chairman Howard Stringer as the company’s new chairman and group chief executive officer.

Summers is believed to have an inside track to the appointment of the next Federal Reserve chairman as Obama gave a strong defense of him at a closed-door meeting.

The Republican Party officially nominated former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as its president and House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as its vice president.

Your Party leader Yoshimi Watanabe will step down as president of the party in the midst of a scandal involving ¥800 million in loans from DHC Corp. Chairman Yoshiaki Yoshida. But he said he wouldn’t resign as a Diet member.

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